
Basic Utilities and Tools

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Basic Utilities and Tools is a set of useful helper functions, that make programming in C++14 easier.

following sections give a top-level overview on each part of the library.

basic content

it is very useful when type safety is a must, but underlying type is already existing and working. this is improved version of struct MyIndex { unsigned value_; }; type of approach, that provides all the methods and encapsulation. with this class in place, code can be easily refactored later on, if needed (adding new methods, validating c-tor, etc...

  • BUT_ASSERT - assert that works equally well in normal and constexpr functions. removed in non-debug build.
  • Exception - allows to both define and throw exceptions in one line of code each. automatically passed info like file, line and function to the message. allows to create whole tree of exceptions.
  • NotNull - wrapper for (smart)pointers, that ensures element held inside is not null. if user would pass such a pointer, exception will be thrown during construction.
  • Optional - a version of std::optional, where moved-object is unset, instead of being set, but moved-from.
  • Guard - helper object (and "make" function) to generate RAII-style cleanup, for local elements, that are not worth a dedicated, reusable class, yet still must be exception-safe.


  • Array - std::array replacement, that is constexpr-compatible (will be typedef after C++17).
  • ArrayWithSize - std::array equivalent, that additionally holds a number of elements stored inside. this makes it a perfect replacement for std::vector, when maximum size is small, and known a priory.
  • BitPackedSequence - std::vector<bool>-like structure, that is capable of storing elements that take more than 1 bit. serialization and deserialization mechanisms are provided by user, to compact each element into a given bit size.
  • OffsetIterator - helper structure for creating random-access iterator out of a table-access operator, of a given container.
  • UnorderedArray - cache-friendly data structure. keeps adding, browsing and removal fast in exchange for lack of guarantees on objects order, after addition/removal of any element.


this module implements a type-safe, style-unified logger, with different output "destinations". note that this logger is NOT line oriented! instead it is oriented at structured logging, where message is fixed (compile-time constant) and all parameters are named. this allows creating arbitrary complex and nested output JSON format. having machine processable logs allows for querying and filtering, in a non-ambiguous way.

note that whole implementation is more of a logger-framework. user shall create own wrapper, that adds common fields required (eg. timestamp, log level, thread ID, etc...). see But/Log/ExampleLogger.manual.cpp for an example, how such a custom wrapper can be crated.

loggers are designed to be passed around by values. while it is also possible to make it "enterprise-style", by providing a global variable, used for logging from everywhere, it's not recommended as it makes testing harder and does not guard against thread safety.

all destinations implement Destination::Sink interface. they support getting already-formatted sequence of type-value elements.

all destinations support flush() method, that forces all logs to be sent to their destination (file, socket, etc...). another option is reload(), that forces to re-establish destination (reconnect, reopen file, etc...), so that log rotation can be implemented.

in order to add support for user's type/class Abc, it is enough to add two, free functions, in structure's namespace (for ADL - Argument Dependent Lookup):

  • constexpr inline std::string_view fieldName(Abc const*) { return "My_type_name_is_Abc"; }
  • depending on Abc's semantics, exactly one of 3 functions below:
    • X fieldValue(Abc const& e) - if Abc can be represented as a simple type X (eg. int, dobule, string, etc...)
    • void objectValue(Backend::EntryProxy& p, Abc const& e) - if Abc is an object type (contains multiple fields)
    • void arrayValue(Backend::EntryArray& p, Abc const& e) - if Abc is a collection

from this moment on, logger will be able to log your type just like any other. this includes all the fields, eg. custom priorities, or domain-specific types. framework will automatically pick correct "value function", depending on what's available.

note that fieldName() must be constexpr. this is used internally, to provide additional checks at compile time (eg. if given field type is not used more than once).

logger object also supports withFields(...) member function, that creates a new logger, that will always append given values to each log it logs. this way it is extremely easy to create correlation chains - just pass on "extended" loggers down the call chain, as the data gets processed. added fields will always be added, to each log, w/o a need for internal code to know about it.

  • Logger - basic logger, object allowing to log in a structured fashion. user is expected to create a domain-specific wrapper to use in own projects.
  • LoggerThrowing - same as Logger, but forwarding exceptions from the implementation. useful only some unusual cases.
  • Destination - namespace containing typical destinations, that are provided out of the box.
  • Destination::Sink - base class for dynamic destinations.

note that it is trivially possible to integrate with LogStash, via Destination::Tcp sink.

meta programming

  • BUT_MPL_VALUE_WRAP - macro for generating full-blown object, that's only purpose is to keep a given value inside.
  • FreeOperators - set of macros for fast definitions of comparison operators for a simple structure types and collections. both regular and template types are supported.
  • NamedVariadicTemplate - helper template that allows to store variadic template arguments in a typedef, that can be expanded later on.
  • SizeTypeFor - type-deriving template, that provides the smallest, unsigned, integral type, that will fit given value.
  • parseSigned/parseUnsigned - parses numbers at compile-time (and runtime, if needed).

(design) patterns

  • AbstractFactory - compact implementation of abstract factory, based on functors. this makes C++14 code compact on user's side, as there is no need to create special derived classes for builders.
  • Dispatcher - C++14 implementation of dispatcher pattern, keeping user code as short as possible. in general user should only derive from the class and provide names of message to be dispatched.

system (utilities)

  • Descriptor - smart-pointer-like file/socket descriptor wrapper (RAII style).
  • TempFile - convenient wrapper for creating temporary files in one line.


  • ActiveObject - functor based active object implementation.
  • BasicLockable - base class for extending given derived, with a basic-lockable interface concept. this means the class can be used as a mutex too (eg. a collection with external locking support).
  • CacheLine - helper data type wrapper, that helps preventing false-sharing issues in multithreaded code.
  • Event - event flag, that can be set in one thread and block another, until it is not set.
  • Fifo - thread-safe queue to passing data between threads.
  • JoiningThread - wrapper for thread that joins thread in d-tor. any thread's implementation with C++11-compatible API will work.
  • LockProxyProvider - base class for providing withLock() method, that returns temporary object, with overloaded arrow-operator, to make one-shot, synchronized class, one-liners in implementation as well.
  • ThreadPool - policy-driven thread pool implementation.
  • WaitWrapper - helper structure that provide a wait() wrappers, that throw exceptions in case of time-out. these are useful for testing, but keep in mind that having a blocking-wait in a high-throughput system, effectively makes low-throughput system. ;)


  • BUT_FORMAT - helper for generated parsed format, that can check syntax at compile time and process arguments at runtime (arity is always checked at compile time, too). since output format for each parameter is predefined, effectively all checks are done static_asserts.
  • BUT_FORMAT_RUNTIME - variant of the BUT_FORMAT that performs all checks at run time.