
Common utilities for golang / go语言常用开发工具包 / go言語汎用ユーティリティ

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


关于每个功能的详细,请看源代码内的注释。 如果有问题和建议欢迎issue和pull-request

Common utilities for golang.

About the details of functions, Please see the documentation in source code. Welcome to issue & pull-request


各関数の機能の詳細はソースコード内のコメントを確認してください。 issue & pull-request 大歓迎

安装,install, インストール

go get github.com/el-ideal-ideas/ellib

目录,index, 目次

  • elarr utilities for array & slice.
  • elconv utilities for data convert.
  • eldev utilities for debug.
  • elenv utilities for system environment.
  • elfs utilities for filesystem.
  • elinfo information about this package.
  • eljson wrapper of github.com/json-iterator/go
  • elmap utilities for map.
  • elmath utilities for math.
  • elnet utilities for network
  • elrand utilities for random.
  • elref utilities used reflect.
  • elstr utilities for string.
  • elsyncfile this package can sync struct with file.
  • elsys utilities for system.
  • eltengo utilities for tengo script.
  • elutils some common utilities.

Links (Some source code from following projects)