
A vim plugin for navigating between wikiedia articles

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A simple vim-plugin for searching-for and browsing-between wikipedia entries using vim. Only works on nix systems currently.


I love vim and I often find it hard to swap between vim and the browser (particularly when I am making notes) because the visual-formatting between the two environments are so inconsistent (as well as the fact that I don't use vim-keybindings in my browser). This plugin allows you to view and jump-between wikipedia entries in a vim-buffer.


The plugin exposes a function Wikipedia that takes a query string as an argument. The plugin uses the MediaWiki API to search for wikipedia entries matching your query string and displays them in a new buffer. You can use <Cr> inside this buffer to choose a selected page, at which point the plugin gets the text for this entry on wikipedia and renders it inside a new buffer.


Just add the following line to your .vimrc
    Plug 'el-iot/vim-wikipedia-browser' | Plug 'chikamichi/mediawiki.vim'

While the second plugin is not essential, it will provide nice syntax highlighting to accompany the vim-wikipedia-browser and is recommended.

If you do not have jq or curl installed you will need to get those as well.


You can modify the header of the plugin's search-results page by modifying the assets/header.txt file. Otherwise, very little configuration is exposed currently but it's on the roadmap.

Hasn't this been done before?

Probably - I have been making a few different vim-plugins lately and I thought this would make a good exercise. If you find a better alternative I fully encourage you to use it.


Please do! If you find the plugin useful then any contributions are welcome.