
Create your own todo list on heroku

Primary LanguageCSS

How to deploy your own todolist on heroku

From your Terminal enter:

  • $ git clone git://github.com/rbsthlm/todo_heroku.git
  • $ cd todo_heroku
  • $ heroku create
  • $ heroku config:add NODE_ENV=production
  • $ heroku addons:add cloudant:oxygen
  • $ curl -X PUT heroku config:get CLOUDANT_URL/arkansas
  • $ curl -X PUT heroku config:get CLOUDANT_URL/arkansas/_design/Todo -d @todo.json
  • $ git push heroku master
  • $ heroku ps:scale web=1
  • $ heroku open

Rename heroku-app

When you're done with your heroku-app, you can rename it from the local app directory:

  • $ heroku rename your-fancy-app-name

Heroku will add the pre- and suffix, so in this case the end result would be http://your-fancy-app-name.herokuapp.com

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, it's really convenient to have your todolist available from anywhere :)

Built with:

Arkansas • TodoMVC

Demo: todomvc-arkansas.herokuapp.com