
A Advanced Lottery plugin Fully Customizable ! Custom model data support ! ANIMATION !

Primary LanguageJava

Advanced Lottery Plugin

This is a Bukkit/Spigot Minecraft plugin that implements an advanced lottery system.


  • Players can obtain lottery tickets by using commands or receiving them as rewards.
  • Customizable rewards with different chance rates.
  • Lottery animation with visual effects and sounds.
  • Configurable lottery ticket item.
  • Blindness effect application during the lottery animation.
  • Prevents player movement and chat usage during the animation.


To use the plugin, simply download the JAR file and place it in the plugins folder of your Bukkit/Spigot server. You can configure the plugin by editing the config.yml file in the plugin's folder.


  • /advancedlottery get: Gives the player a lottery ticket.
  • /advancedlottery give <player>: Gives a lottery ticket to another player.
  • /advancedlottery reload: Reloads the plugin configuration.


The plugin configuration is stored in the config.yml file. Here you can customize the lottery location, rewards, ticket item, animation effects, and more.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.