
Ionic mobile app for Tamreen.

Primary LanguageCSS

iOS screenshots

How to install?

  • Install node.js, npm, bower, gulp, cordova, ionic.
  • In the application root directory (tamreen), run the command npm install.
  • In the application root directory (tamreen), run the command bower install.
  • In the directory www/js, duplicate the file configs.template.js and give the new file the name configs.js.
  • Run ./init.sh.
  • Run ionic emulate ios for iOS.
  • If you want to test it on Android, you must install Genymotion, and have inside it any Android device (e.g. Nexus 5), and then keep it running.
  • Run ionic run android for Android.

How to build a release?

  • cordova build --release.
  • jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore keys/TamreenApp.keystore platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk TamreenApp.
  • /Users/hossamzee/android-sdk-macosx/build-tools/21.1.2/zipalign -v 4 platforms/android/ant-build/CordovaApp-release-unsigned.apk TamreenApp1.0.1.apk.


  • Check every pullToRefresh method to respond to the current view.
  • Clean inputs everytime a form appears (No need for now).
  • There seems to be an issue when choosing the current location of the user (pages/choosemap.html).
  • Fix the issue of the scroll when adding a new training.
  • Add the ability for the user to see the readAt value.
  • Shorten the words when the interface is trainings.
  • Remove a lot of the inner styles.
  • Design the about page.
  • Fix the error when there is no internet access.
  • Make the services real, e.g. Contacts, Location, Storage, etc.
  • Display the notifications and what is relevant.
  • Make the map in training details clickable.
  • Fix the android back button, the button should be in the left.
  • No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found. Please add one when using the cordova-plugin-whitelist plugin.
  • Footer is broken in many places.
  • AndroidPersistentFileLocation.
  • Error messages must be in Arabic.
  • Make the TOS (Mention that the faces are randomly generated, they do not mean anything personal).


  • Tell the user about the current state of the app, e.g. Loading..., etc.
  • Check the deviceType value sometimes it happens to be null.
  • Take some beautiful screenshots for the app to market it.
  • There is an issue of performance when getting trainings that are around.
  • Maybe fix the indian number validations.
  • Fix the rounding with buttons bar.
  • Check the warnings about SVG and fix them as possible.
  • $rootScope concept is really ill (Fix the issue with the events).
  • Fix the readme file or update it.