Add option to repeat a suite as a whole
simonmeggle opened this issue · 1 comments
To repeat individual (flaky) tests, which can be started independently of each other, there is already the option "re-executoin of failed tests".
However, tests cannot always be written independently of each other.
Example: the order process in a web store is to be monitored, but the individual sub-steps are the responsibility of different teams. In this case, an additional option should be introduced that repeats a suite as a whole if it fails.
When tests are repeated, a suite OK result can result from partial results of different suite starts.
The feature to be created makes it a condition that a suite OK result only occurs if all partial results of a single suite start were OK. If necessary, the whole suite must be repeated.
=> Make this new option as an alternative to "re-executoin of failed tests". Using both at the same time makes no sense.
Closed with #206