
Run CHIP8 Games on modern hardware

Primary LanguageC++

CHIP8 Emulator

Arnav Sankaran


Keyboard Input

Keys are mapped as such:

Original               Emulator
1 2 3 C                1 2 3 4
4 5 6 D                Q W E R
7 8 9 E                A S D F
A 0 B F                Z X C V

Keyboard mapping and font provided by http://www.multigesture.net/articles/how-to-write-an-emulator-chip-8-interpreter/.

Using the Emulator

  • Place a 10 by 10 pixel black image named PixelBlack.bmp in the same folder as the executable.
  • Place a 10 by 10 pixel white image named PixelWhite.bmp in the same folder as the executable.
  • Run programs by passing them as a command line argument. ./<executable-name> <program-name>

Known Issues

  • Scoring in games such as pong and brix is not properly updated.