🚀 Personal Site

I was given a task @AppleSeeds Bootcamp to make a POC personal portfolio page while only using HTML and CSS

my design was straightforward and included 4 sections -

Home Section

That allows you to view basic details and the logo, in smaller screen the navbar will only be at the Home Section and will help you navigate the app.

About Section

that Contains Personal details about me and lists my skills (ipsum at the moment) + contain a picture of me.

porfolio Section

In which you can view links to some of the projects I made along the way.(as of now does not link to the projects, only POC).

Contact Section

Contains three cards while each card is holding a diffrent way of contacting me -LinkedIn -Github -Email (all POC).

Demo site link



Alt text




To deploy this project run


This is a basic site with only one page of HTML and CSS styling