
A Rollup plugin that automatically declares NodeJS built-in modules and npm dependencies as 'external'

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Rollup plugin that automatically declares NodeJS built-in modules as external. Can also handle npm dependencies, devDependencies, peerDependencies and optionalDependencies.


Because I was getting tired of writing:

external: [
    'path', 'fs', 'os'    /* and many more */

in my rollup.config.js.


npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-node-externals


import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'

export default {
  input: 'src/renderer/index.ts',
  output: {
    file: 'dist/renderer/bundle.js',
    format: 'cjs'
  plugins: [
        builtins: true, // make node builtins external (default: true)
        deps: false,    // make pkg.dependencies external (default: false)
        devDeps: true,  // make pkg.devDependencies external (default: true)
        peerDeps: true, // make pkg.peerDependencies external (default: true)
        optDeps: true,  // make pkg.optionalDependencies external (default: true)
        exclude: [],    // deps to exclude from externals (default: [])
        include: [],    // deps to include in externals (default: [])
        except: []      // deprecated -- see below

Most of the time, the built-in defaults are just what you need:

import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'
// ...

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    externals(),        // Bundle deps in; make Node, devDeps, peerDeps and optDeps external


Note: if you use rollup-plugin-node-resolve, make sure that this plugin comes first in the plugins array:

import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
// ...

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // other plugins


Note: the list of builtins is obtained via the builtin-modules package, by Sindre Sorhus and should be up-to-date with your current NodeJS version.


By default, the plugin will mark all Node built-in modules and all your dev-, peer- and optionalDependencies as external. Normal dependencies are left unmarked so Rollup will still bundle them within your code as expected in most situations.

  • Set the deps, devDeps, peerDeps and/or optDeps options to false to prevent the corresponding dependencies from being externalized, therefore letting Rollup bundle them within your code. Set them to true for Rollup to treat the corresponding dependencies as external.
  • Use the exclude option to remove certain dependencies from the list of externals. exclude can be a string, a regex, or an array of those, for example:
    deps: true,             // Don't bundle dependencies, we'll require()'em at runtime
    exclude: [
        'electron-reload',  // Yet we want `electron-reload` bundled in
        /^vuex?/            // as well as the VueJS family (vue, vuex, vue-router, etc.)
  • Use the include option to force certain dependencies into the list of externals, for example:
    deps: true,             // Don't bundle dependencies, we'll require()'em at runtime
    include: /^lodash/      // Since we're using the namespaced version of lodash (eg. import get from "lodash/get"),
                            // we must use this RegEx to make sure all of lodash is correctly externalized

Just like exclude, the include option can be a string, a regex or an array of those.


Note: this plugin uses an exact match against your imports, so if your are using some path substitution in your code, eg.:

// in your code:
import something from '@/mylib'   // Say '@/' is mapped to some directory outside your project

and you don't want mylib bundled in, then write:

// in rollup.config.js:
    include: '@/mylib'            // or include: /^@\//

Migrating from version 1.x

  • In 1.x, normal dependencies were externalized by default. This is no more true, so you'll need to change:


externals({ deps: true })

if you want the same behavior.

  • For consistency with all other Rollup plugins out there, the except option from 1.x is now deprecated in favor of the Rollup-friendly exclude option. except is still accepted for backward compatibility and works exactly the same as exclude but it will issue a warning if used. To suppress this warning, just replace except with include.
