#Dalitz plot simulation for a
Author: Elser Lopez, Contact: elser.adolfo.lopez@gmail.com
General information
This code makes a Montecarlo simulation through the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, following the equations for a three body decay showing into the PDG Kinematics review, and using the masses as:
On the other hand, the aceptance ratio uses the probability amplitud as
$|{\overline{\mathcal{M}}(m_{12_{i→j}})}|^2=A^2 \dfrac{m_{k^{}}^4}{(m_{12_{j}}^2-m_{k^{}}^2)^2 +m_{k^{}}^2\Gamma_{k^{}}^2 }$,
In order to run this code you need the following Python Libraries:
- numpy
- random
- matplotlib
- mpl_scatter_density
This code saves two figures corresponding to the Dalitz plot from the equations and a Dalitz plot from the Montecarlo simulation. The first one is called "DalitzPlot.pdf" and the second "DalitzPlotMontecarlo.pdf"
Finally, this code was built using Python 3.10.12; Other versions may not work.