
Python Micro Shell - One file shell for micropython micro controllers - cd, pwd, cat , redirect, wget, mkdir, rmdir, rm, etc

Primary LanguagePython


Python Micro Shell - One file shell for micropython micro controllers - cd, pwd, cat , redirect, wget, mkdir, rmdir, rm, etc

This is designed to quickly give you a mini linix like shell. Tested on ESP32, ESP8266, RPI PICO W.

To use make sure you have micropython installed first.

To install the shell, just connect with thonny or whatever your using to manage your microdevice. Copy the push.py file on the device and save as push.py Then from the micropython cli "import push". It has a quick wifi connect built in, a crude editor that works similiar to cat'ng text into the console, wget (that works like curl), an ntp sync tool. The "exec" command will run a python script. You may want to make a lib directory first "mkdir lib" for exec as micropython defaulty has the lib directory is in its path. So for instance to call test.py with function hello(): place test.py in the lib directory and from the shell call it with "exec test.hello()" exec will also run native micropython functions for example os.listdir()

Its recommended to use the absolute path when working with directories and files.

Supports ls, cat, cd, pwd, mkdir, rmdir, rm, rename, cp, grep, wc, ifconfig, wget(works like curl),
and redirect ">". Supports PIPE now. No switches or flags.

if for some reason the shell crashes then you can restart it with "import push" and "push.shell()"

Here is the output of a test drive:

MicroPython v1.19.1-773-g988b6e2da on 2022-12-15; ESP32 module with ESP32

Type "help()" for more information.

>>> import push

  • PUSH - Python Micro SHELL *
  • ls,pwd,cd,uname,df,cat *
  • rmdir,rm,mkdir,cp,edit *
  • ifconfig,wget,connect,> *


IP........... NETMASK....... GATEWAY....... $

$connect Enter SSID: mynetwork Enter wifi pw: mypassword attempting to connect..

Check ifconfig..


IP........... NETMASK....... GATEWAY....... $

$ls boot.py push.py tmp $mkdir lib Directory lib created.

$cd lib lib $pwd /lib

$wget https://www.ntppool.org/en/

<title>pool.ntp.org: the internet cluster of ntp servers</title> <script> if (!NP) var NP = {}; </script>

<-- truncated for berevity demo-->

You can install other libraries from github using wget://yourgithub_raw_link > /lib/yourfilename.py

Example (Download uping and ping a network host): $cd /lib
$wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/shawwwn/91cc8979e33e82af6d99ec34c38195fb/raw/ca2e629a54abcb18b1c4f766d594507cea41289a/uping.py > uping.py $ $cd .. .. $exec uping.ping("") PING ( 64 data bytes 84 bytes from icmp_seq=1, ttl=64, time=19.888000 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=2, ttl=64, time=25.198000 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=3, ttl=64, time=16.527000 ms 84 bytes from icmp_seq=4, ttl=64, time=10.604000 ms 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received $

$uname esp32 esp32 1.19.1 v1.19.1-773-g988b6e2da on 2022-12-15 ESP32 module with ESP32

$ntpsync time sync'd with: pool.ntp.org (2022, 12, 18, 23, 57, 4, 6, 352)

$ $cd tmp tmp $ $edit test.txt EDIT MODE DETECTED...


this is a test STOPEDIT File test.txt created..

$cat test.txt this is a test

$cd .. .. $exec os.listdir() ['boot.py', 'lib', 'push.py', 'tmp']
