What's up with the government? And literally everyone the government knows about? Find it in open data.
- Landing page
- Scraping with BeautifulSoup
- Do something with Form
property - Tutorials
- BeautifulSoup Documentation
- Tracking international arms dealers with strings
- Python Web Scraping Tutorial using BeautifulSoup
- [How to scrape websites with Python and BeautifulSoup](https://medium.freecodecamp. org/how-to-scrape-websites-with-python-and-beautifulsoup-5946935d93fe)
- [Web Scraping Tutorial with Python: Tips and Tricks](https://hackernoon.com/web-scraping-tutorial-with-python-tips-and-trick s-db070e70e071)
- Do something with Form
- "How long does it take to close requsts?"
- Use datetime to parse dates