Google Assistant Starter

1) Download or clone Facts about Google

2) Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

3) Install node

brew install node

4) Setup Firebase Cloud Functions

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login

5) Create a Firebase project

6) On your working directory (Facts about Google)

firebase init
  • Check ◯ Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
  • Pick the project you created on step 5

7) Install the node modules

cd functions/
npm install

8) Deploy the function to Firebase Cloud Functions

firebase deploy --only functions

9) Create an API.AI project

10) Restore the zip file downloaded from github earlier (

  • Settings
  • Export and Import
  • Restore

11) Setup the fulfillment function

Put the link you got from step 8) on the fulfillment section on

12) Test it on API.AI!

13) Enable the Actions on Google Integration

  • Integrations
  • Actions on Google
  • Follow the instructions