
Main project repository containgin binding/deployment components and documentation

Primary LanguageMustacheApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CrowdProj project

This is an experimental project to create an Open Source social network aka Marketplace in a highly modular style.


Group / Subsystem Microservice Purpose Contributors Completeness
Ads Ads User ads control. Users dispose texd descriptions of their demands or supplies to be met one another @svok 20%
Product Group Microservice for description of a products group. For instance, group "Refrigerators" has specific properties like color, weight, minimum temperature, etc. @phaeton03 75%
Product Model Microservice for description of a product model. For instance, model "Refrigerator M-123" has specific values of the properties like weight is 30 kg, minimum temperature is -20 C, etc. @azatgt1996
Product Property Microservice for managing product properties. Properties have name, description, units of measure, etc. @Riafka 70%
Product Property Value
References Units @fooglish 70%
Comments Comment A microservice for managing comments feature for any object (article, product, news, etc.) @StellaLupus
Ratings Ratings @shvetson 75%
Resource planner Calendar allows to plan access to some limited resources like computers, labour, time, etc.
Resources Reference for the available resources @Zuzichev
Resource Schedule Template Timeslots distribution over time, including specification of the working days, holidays and weekends
Resource Bookings Available and booked timeslots must be controlled by this entity
Events Event specifies the detail about the booking for the resources and lists the timeslots for the resources
Library Library is a subsystem for management of different resources: video, music, documents, custom files, etc.
Documents Reference of stored documents
Stored Resources Resources attached to the document
Tags Tags Tags management and provisioning to other services @dpopkov


Component diagram

Component diagram of the CrowdProj


ER diagram of the CrowdProj


Telegram groups for discussions:

Development questions: crowdproj-dev

Startup questions: crowdproj-com