---------------------------------------- Logistics for Inventory ---------------------------------------- 1. Upload all csv files to this directory 2. RUN ./getInv.SH clean - to remove previous session files 3. RUN catcsv.SH - convert end line files from dos to unix format - append a newline character to the EOF for each csv files - read and append all csv files into one main file -- inv_MMDD.csv - where MM is the 2 digit month, and DD is 2 digit day of month 4. RUN ./getInv.SH inv_MMDD.csv - this will be a dry run, no changes are made to the database - a backup file is made - save the error log if needed - save the output.csv, this is used for RECONCILE purposes 5. RUN ./getInv.SH --WET inv_MMDD.csv - this will make changes to the database - first setting all products to 0 stock - then adding counted values in 6. Generate the reconcilement report: RUN python reconcile.py Inv*.csv - assumes the existence of the file 'output.csv' (generated from getInv.SH) - input file arguments are the uploaded CSV files from google sheets