- 0
Can't download video locally in Safari
#1202 opened by JulianKniephoff - 0
WebM duration fix is applied to other formats
#1192 opened by mtneug - 0
Unable to change webcam
#1189 opened by lkiesow - 0
Fail fast on misconfigurations
#1188 opened by lkiesow - 0
Use fixed font for Farsi
#1141 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 1
Video length is missing when a video is saved locally
#1166 opened by ottsimon - 3
Incomplete translations
#1072 opened by oas777 - 2
root tarballs not working?
#1151 opened by majosch - 0
Offer individual audio tracks for download
#1153 opened by JulianKniephoff - 0
- 0
- 0
Cleanup translations (remove unused strings, move stuff around, remove almost dead languages)
#1075 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 9
The warning triangle in case of a technical problem when sharing content seems lonely
#1103 opened by JulianKniephoff - 3
Do we need a button to delete a cut marker?
#1101 opened by JulianKniephoff - 1
Is it confusing that you have to pause the recording before you can stop it?
#1102 opened by JulianKniephoff - 2
- 1
Invalid keyboard shortcuts are being suggested
#1115 opened by lkiesow - 0
Video never loads in review step on iOS
#1076 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 3
Screen reader issues
#1074 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 3
- 6
- 0
Exit button on very last screen shows confusing message when no label was given to Studio
#1060 opened by dagraf - 1
"Recording saved" note may not be correct
#1116 opened by lkiesow - 0
- 3
Waveform appearance in dark mode
#1096 opened by JulianKniephoff - 4
- 0
Forward/back shortcuts don't work at all on macOS
#1100 opened by JulianKniephoff - 1
Take another look at the shortcut overlay
#1098 opened by JulianKniephoff - 5
Big (Round) Red Button?!
#1105 opened by JulianKniephoff - 2
- 1
Firefox (Windows) doesn't show sharing options when only sharing the display
#1106 opened by JulianKniephoff - 0
Auto language setting
#1097 opened by JulianKniephoff - 1
Cut buttons jump around when pausing/resuming
#998 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 2
- 0
Further cleanup, paying technical debt, ...
#997 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 1
- 0
Improve error message and UX when user accidentally unshared a video stream
#1070 opened by LukasKalbertodt - 1
In studios editor: Clicking on "Discard and record again" takes users to the starting window
#1059 opened by dagraf - 2
- 5
AV Sync Issues on Windows 10 and 11 when using Hardware Acceleration
#1029 opened by HomerJayAllTheWay - 1
Hard-coded `extent` in default DublinCore-catalog
#1030 opened by JulianKniephoff - 0
CSS Defaults for dark mode don't work for shortcuts page
#1025 opened by majosch - 0
Automate release
#945 opened by lkiesow - 3
Define Recording Limit
#1013 opened by HomerJayAllTheWay - 0
TypeScript Studio broken Title and Presenter
#999 opened by geichelberger - 2
Extend eslint-rules
#985 opened by narickmann - 2
Add volume control elements for video preview
#941 opened by cgruber-uos - 2
Don't cutoff title if there is place on the page
#971 opened by mtneug - 2
Feature: Force assignment of series
#967 opened by mtneug - 2