
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brenna's Portfolio front-end

This is the UI layer for Brenna's portfolio app.

Running the App

The application can run in development mode with live browser refreshing. If you specify the location of the sinatra simulator, you can run/live reload the simulator as part of the gulp process. The app requires the api to be running. Configure the api's location in .env. Run $ cp .example.env .env to get you started.

$ npm start # Builds and runs front-end on port 8080 with no simulator.
# Set an environment variable to point to the api. See ".example.env".
$ npm run dev # Runs the server in dev mode with live reloading on code changes and browser refreshing.
$ npm run dev:simulator # Runs the app in dev mode with a simulator.
# Expects simulator to be in relative directory ../server-simulator.
$ npm run dev -- --simulator=/path/to/simulator