
React.js - Snake-like Game Experiment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React.js - Snake-like Game Experiment

How To Play

Run npm install && npm run start.

Control the snake with standard W/A/S/D controls (you may need to click the game to gain focus).


Since I was 15 years old I've had this idea to develop a Snake-like game where everything on-screen was represented by a 2-dimensional array, thereby abstracting logic and data manipulation from the view.

It may not be the best way to develop a game like this (Canvas would probably be better), but after reading about the Virtual DOM in React.js I couldn't wait to finally give this concept a go!

Everything contained in the game grid is stored in a 2-dimensional array, which is then easily translated into div elements with corresponding css classes in the DOM. This is all thanks to the way React.js handles DOM manipulation.


This is my first ever React.js project, so naturually there are improvements I would make if I had the time:

  1. Separate collision detection into another function. (limitations with React.js's built-in state management made this difficult, but there is probably a way if using Redux or something similar.)
  2. Mutate and return object clones rather than mutating directly. (E.g. in spawnFruit(grid) - Javascript shamelessly passes arguments by reference, so I didn't see the point in adding overhead by copying objects on every game tick when I could mutate them directly. However on second thought this is a much better design pattern.)
  3. General refactoring to ensure best separation of concerns. (E.g. moving Snake into separate component rather than having as part of Game component.)