
Market basket analysis on retail dataset using Apriori algorithm to discover product associations and frequent itemsets for effective marketing strategies.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Retail Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Algorithm

This project aims to perform market basket analysis on a retail dataset using the Apriori algorithm. Market basket analysis is a technique used to uncover association rules and identify frequent itemsets in customer transactions, providing valuable insights for retailers to understand customer purchasing behavior and develop effective marketing strategies.

The Apriori algorithm is a popular approach for mining association rules and discovering frequent patterns within large datasets. It works by iteratively identifying frequent itemsets and generating association rules that satisfy predefined support and confidence thresholds.


Online Retail Dataset Dataset his dataset contains order information from an e-commerce platform. The dataset consists of the following columns:

  • order_id: A unique identifier assigned to each order placed by a customer.
  • product_code: A unique code representing the product ordered.
  • product_name: The name or description of the product ordered.
  • quantity: The number of units of the product ordered.
  • order_date: The date and time when the order was placed.
  • price: The price per unit of the product.
  • customer_id: A unique identifier for the customer who placed the order.

Data cleansing

The data cleansing process aims to detect and handle any issues present in the dataset, so that we can have clean and ready-to-use data for analysis or modeling. Some of the steps we will take in this process include:

Creating the 'date' column

df_clean = df.copy() # membuat kolom date
df_clean['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_clean['order_date']).dt.date.astype('datetime64')

Removing rows without 'customer_id'

df_clean = df_clean[~df_clean['customer_id'].isna()]

Converting 'customer_id' to string

df_clean['customer_id'] = df_clean['customer_id'].astype(str)

Removing rows without 'product_name'

df_clean = df_clean[~df_clean['product_name'].isna()]

Converting all 'product_name' to lowercase

df_clean['product_name'] = df_clean['product_name'].str.lower()

Removing rows with 'test' in 'product_code' or 'product_name'

df_clean = df_clean[(~df_clean['product_code'].str.lower().str.contains('test')) | (~df_clean['product_name'].str.contains('test '))]

Removing rows with canceled status (order_id starting with 'C')

df_clean = df_clean[df_clean['order_id'].str[:1]!='C']

Converting negative 'quantity' values to positive

df_clean['quantity'] = df_clean['quantity'].abs()

Removing rows with negative 'price' values

df_clean = df_clean[df_clean['price']>0]

Creating the 'amount' value by multiplying 'quantity' and 'price'

df_clean['amount'] = df_clean['quantity'] * df_clean['price']

Replacing 'product_name' with the most frequent one for each 'product_code'

most_freq_product_name = df_clean.groupby(['product_code','product_name'], as_index=False).agg(order_cnt=('order_id','nunique')).sort_values(['product_code','order_cnt'], ascending=[True,False])
most_freq_product_name['rank'] = most_freq_product_name.groupby('product_code')['order_cnt'].rank(method='first', ascending=False)
most_freq_product_name = most_freq_product_name[most_freq_product_name['rank']==1].drop(columns=['order_cnt','rank'])
df_clean = df_clean.merge(most_freq_product_name.rename(columns={'product_name':'most_freq_product_name'}), how='left', on='product_code')
df_clean['product_name'] = df_clean['most_freq_product_name']
df_clean = df_clean.drop(columns='most_freq_product_name')

Removing outliers using z-score

from scipy import stats
df_clean = df_clean[(np.abs(stats.zscore(df_clean[['quantity','amount']]))<3).all(axis=1)]
df_clean = df_clean.reset_index(drop=True)

Data Cleansing Result


Column Non-Null Count Dtype
order_id 350092 non-null object
product_code 350092 non-null object
product_name 350092 non-null object
quantity 350092 non-null int64
order_date 350092 non-null object
price 350092 non-null float64
customer_id 350092 non-null object
date 350092 non-null datetime64[ns]
amount 350092 non-null float64

Creating the Basket DataFrame

After performing the data cleaning process, the next step is to create a basket DataFrame that will be used for market basket analysis. This basket DataFrame is created using the pivot_table function from the Pandas library.

import pandas as pd

basket = pd.pivot_table(df_clean, index='order_id', columns='product_name', values='product_code', aggfunc='nunique', fill_value=0)

This basket DataFrame enables analyses such as identifying frequently purchased product combinations or performing market basket analysis.

  • pd.pivot_table(df_clean, ...) creates a pivot table from the df_clean DataFrame, which has been cleaned in the previous step.

  • df_clean is the DataFrame resulting from the data cleaning process.

  • index='order_id' sets the 'order_id' column as the row index in the pivot table.

  • Each row in the pivot table will represent a single order_id.

  • columns='product_name' sets the 'product_name' column as the column names in the pivot table.

  • Each column in the pivot table will represent a unique product.

  • values='product_code' uses the values from the 'product_code' column to fill the cells in the pivot table.

  • The value in each cell will indicate the number of unique product codes for that combination of order_id and product_name.

  • aggfunc='nunique' uses the nunique function to count the number of unique values in each cell of the pivot table.

  • This means each cell will contain the count of unique product codes for that combination of order_id and product_name.

  • fill_value=0 fills empty cells with the value 0.

  • If there is a combination of order_id and product_name with no data, that cell will be filled with 0.

Encoding the Basket DataFrame

After creating the basket DataFrame, the next step is to encode its values with True for all values above 0 and False for all values equal to 0. This is done to simplify the representation of transaction data, where True indicates that a particular product is present in the shopping basket, and False indicates that the product is not present.

def encode(x):
   if x == 0:
       return False
   if x > 0:
       return True

basket_encode = basket.applymap(encode)
  • def encode(x): defines the encode function that will encode each value in the DataFrame.

  • This function takes a value x and returns True if x is greater than 0, and False if x is equal to 0.

  • basket_encode = basket.applymap(encode) applies the encode function to each value in the basket DataFrame using the applymap method.

  • The result is a new DataFrame basket_encode containing True for all values above 0 and False for all values equal to 0. Dataset

Retrieving Transactions with More Than One Unique Product

After encoding the basket DataFrame, the next step is to retrieve only transactions that have more than one unique product. This is done to focus the analysis on shopping baskets containing more than one product, allowing us to identify patterns of frequently purchased product combinations.

In market basket analysis, we are more interested in transactions consisting of multiple different products. Transactions with only one product do not provide useful information about frequently purchased product combinations. Therefore, by retrieving transactions with more than one unique product, we can focus the analysis on more relevant and interesting patterns of product combinations.

basket_filter = basket_encode[(basket_encode>0).sum(axis=1)>1]

The code creates a new DataFrame basket_filter that contains only rows from basket_encode where the sum of True values (products present) across each row is greater than 1. This filters out transactions with only one unique product, as they do not provide useful information for identifying product combinations.

Finding Frequent Itemsets Using Apriori

After retrieving transactions with more than one unique product, the next step is to use the Apriori algorithm to find frequent itemsets (product combinations) in the shopping baskets.

from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import apriori

frequent_itemset = apriori(basket_filter, min_support=0.01, use_colnames=True).sort_values('support', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
frequent_itemset['product_cnt'] = frequent_itemset['itemsets'].apply(lambda x: len(x))

The code applies the Apriori algorithm to the basket_filter DataFrame to find frequent itemsets with a minimum support of 0.01 (1%). It sorts the itemsets by their support values in descending order, resets the row indices, and adds a new column product_cnt that contains the number of products in each itemset. The resulting frequent_itemset DataFrame shows the frequent itemsets, their support values, and the number of products in each itemset. This information can be used to identify frequently purchased product combinations and develop effective marketing strategies.


Finding Association Rules

After finding the frequent itemsets, the final step is to generate association rules from these itemsets using the association_rules function.

from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import association_rules

product_association = association_rules(frequent_itemset, metric='confidence', min_threshold=0.7).sort_values(['support', 'confidence'], ascending=[False, False]).reset_index(drop=True)

Dataset The resulting product_association DataFrame contains the association rules, their antecedents (if), consequents (then), support, confidence, and other relevant metrics. Some examples of the association rules found:

  • If red hanging heart t-light holder is purchased, then white hanging heart t-light holder is likely to be purchased as well, with a confidence of 0.722222.
  • If sweetheart ceramic trinket box is purchased, then strawberry ceramic trinket box is likely to be purchased as well, with a confidence of 0.760487.
  • If toilet metal sign is purchased, then bathroom metal sign is likely to be purchased as well, with a confidence of 0.804938.

These association rules can provide valuable insights for product recommendations, cross-selling strategies, and optimizing product placements in the retail store or e-commerce platform.

Insight and Recommendations

Based on the association rules derived from the market basket analysis, we can gain valuable insights and provide recommendations to improve sales and customer satisfaction in the retail business. Here are some potential insights and recommendations:

Product Bundling and Cross-Selling

The association rules reveal strong connections between certain product combinations. For instance, if a customer purchases (red hanging heart t-light holder), they are highly likely to also purchase (white hanging heart t-light holder) with a confidence of 0.722222. This presents an opportunity for product bundling, where these two products can be offered as a discounted bundle or promoted together.

Similarly, the rule "If (sweetheart ceramic trinket box) is purchased, then (strawberry ceramic trinket box) is likely to be purchased as well" (confidence: 0.760487) suggests cross-selling potential. When a customer adds the sweetheart ceramic trinket box to their cart, the website or checkout process could recommend the strawberry ceramic trinket box as a complementary item.

Product Placement and Store Layout

The association rules can also inform optimized product placements in physical retail stores. For example, the rule "If (toilet metal sign) is purchased, then (bathroom metal sign) is likely to be purchased as well" (confidence: 0.804938) suggests that these products should be placed in close proximity to each other in the store, making it convenient for customers to find related items.

Additionally, by analyzing the support values of the rules, retailers can identify popular product combinations and strategically place them in high-traffic areas or create dedicated sections for these items, improving visibility and accessibility.

Targeted Marketing and Promotions

The identified frequent itemsets and association rules can be leveraged for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized promotions. Customers who have purchased certain items in the past can be targeted with offers or recommendations for complementary products based on the association rules.

For example, customers who previously bought (red hanging heart t-light holder) could receive personalized email or push notifications promoting the (white hanging heart t-light holder) or related products, increasing the chances of additional purchases.

By implementing these insights and recommendations, retailers can enhance customer satisfaction, boost sales, and optimize their product offerings and merchandising strategies based on actual customer purchasing behavior.