
it my dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

Let The Organisation Begin


Set it up

  1. Recommend manually creating ~/.dotfiles and cloning into it because git will put it in a non-dot file automatically. If you care.

git clone <url of repo> ~/.dotfiles

  1. run ./install from within ~/.dotfiles. This will take care of symlinking your dot files to where ever you specified (probably the home folder).


Install tmux brew install tmux if you haven't installed it yet. run $ tmux source ~/.tmux.conf


run :PlugInstall in vim

Initial Dotbot setup

in case I ever have to start from scratch again

  1. create the directory in which you would like to store your dot files for example: mkdir ~/.dotfiles

  2. move your dot files into that folder EXCLUDING the dot

mv ~/.vimrc ~/.dotfiles/vimrc

  1. cd into ~/.dotfiles and do the git init and submodule stuff as instructed in the Dotbot readme

  2. edit your install.conf.yaml as instructed in the readme

  3. run ./install from within ~/.dotfiles. This will take care of symlinking your dot files to where ever you specified (probably the home folder).

  4. git. commit. that shit.