
A Minimalistic Rust Implementation of Delta Sharing Server.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Kotosiro Sharing Server

Kotosiro Sharing is a Rust-based Delta Sharing Server that includes administration functionality. Unlike the reference implementation of a Delta Sharing Server, which primarily focuses on the API specification and uses static file-based sharing information, Kotosiro Sharing manages its sharing information through an API.

Supported Platforms

Amazon AWS Google GCP Microsoft Azure
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Cofigure Credentials for Cloud Storage Backends

  1. Amazon AWS

To access the S3 Delta Table backend, you need to create an IAM user with an Amazon S3 permissions policy. Once you've created the IAM user, you must configure the profile name and region to allow Kotosiro Sharing Server to access the S3 bucket. The location of the credentials file is specified by the environment variable AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE. If this variable is not set, the credentials file should be located at ~/.aws/credentials.

  1. Google GCP

To access the GCS Delta Table backend, you need to create a GCS service account. The location of the GCP service account private key JSON is specified by the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. If this variable is not set, the private key JSON file should be located at ~/.gcp/service-account-file.json.

  1. Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure backed Delta Tables will be supported in the near future.

Starting the Development Server

Since the implementation is still in the early stages, only the development server is currently available. A Helm chart will be added to the project in the near future.

To run the development server, execute the following commands in this directory:

 $ just docker
 $ just server

To run the unit tests, execute the following commands in this directory:

 $ just docker
 $ just test
 $ just testdb

Create a New Sharing via the API

Once you've started the development server, you can create a new sharing via the API. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Kotosiro Sharing and get the admin access token by running the following command:
 $ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/admin/login -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"account": "kotosiro", "password": "password"}' | jq '.'
  "profile": {
    "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
    "endpoint": "",
    "bearerToken": "YOUR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN",
    "expirationTime": "2023-04-09 19:34:04 UTC"
  1. Register a new share by running the following command:
  $ curl -s -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/shares" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{ "name": "share1" }' | jq '.'
  "share": {
    "id": "6986c361-5e6a-4554-b698-11875d6598e0",
    "name": "share1"
  1. Register a new table by running the following command:
 $ curl -s -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/tables" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{ "name": "table1", "location": "s3://kotosiro-sharing-test/examination" }' | jq '.'
  "table": {
    "id": "579df9cd-a674-459d-9599-d38d54583cd0",
    "name": "table1",
    "location": "s3://kotosiro-sharing-test/examination"
  1. Register a new table as a part of schema1 in the share1 by running the following command:
 $ curl -s -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/shares/share1/schemas/schema1/tables" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{ "table": "table1" }' | jq '.'
  "schema": {
    "id": "689ed733-bec8-4796-a2dd-4f82dce6beab",
    "name": "schema1"
  1. Issue a new recipient profile by running the following command:
 $ curl -s -X GET "http://localhost:8080/admin/profile" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq '.'
  "profile": {
    "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
    "endpoint": "",
    "expirationTime": "2023-04-09 19:55:19 UTC"

Kotosiro Sharing Configuration

All TOML, JSON, YAML, INI, RON, and JSON5 files located in the configuration directory will be loaded as configuration files1. The path to the configuration directory can be set using the KOTOSIRO_CONF_DIR environment variable. You can also configure Kotosiro Sharing using the corresponding environment variables, which is helpful when setting up a Kubernetes cluster2. Please be sure that the environment variables AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS are set properly if necessary. Below is a list of the configuration variables:

Name Environment Variable Required Description
db_url KOTOSIRO_DB_URL yes URL of PostgreSQL server
server_addr KOTOSIRO_SERVER_ADDR yes URL of Kotosiro Sharing server which will be used for sharing profile
server_bind KOTOSIRO_SERVER_BIND yes IP address of Korosiro Sharing server which will be used for Axum server binding
admin_name KOTOSIRO_ADMIN_NAME yes Default admin user name
admin_email KOTOSIRO_ADMIN_EMAIL yes Default admin user email
admin_password KOTOSIRO_ADMIN_PASSWORD yes Default admin user password
admin_namespace KOTOSIRO_ADMIN_NAMESPACE yes Default admin user namespace
admin_ttl KOTOSIRO_ADMIN_TTL yes Default admin user access token TTL in seconds
signed_url_ttl KOTOSIRO_SIGNED_URL_TTL yes Valid duration of signed URL of cloud backends in seconds
jwt_secret KOTOSIRO_JWT_SECRET yes JWT secret key
aws_profile KOTOSIRO_AWS_PROFILE no3 AWS profile
aws_region KOTOSIRO_AWS_REGION no3 AWS region
use_json_log KOTOSIRO_USE_JSON_LOG yes If this value set to be true, log outputs in JSON format
log_filter KOTOSIRO_LOG_FILTER yes Tracing log filter



Status Official Method URL
✔️ 🟥 GET /swagger-ui
✔️ 🟥 POST /admin/login
✔️ 🟥 GET /admin/profile
✔️ 🟥 GET /admin/accounts
✔️ 🟥 POST /admin/accounts
✔️ 🟥 GET /admin/accounts/{account}
✔️ 🟥 POST /admin/shares
✔️ 🟥 GET /admin/tables
✔️ 🟥 POST /admin/tables
✔️ 🟥 GET /admin/tables/{table}
✔️ 🟥 POST /admin/shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables
🟥 POST /admin/shares/{share}/all-tables
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}/schemas
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}/all-tables
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables/{table}/version
✔️ 🟩 GET /shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables/{table}/metadata
✔️ 🟩 POST /shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables/{table}/query
🟩 GET /shares/{share}/schemas/{schema}/tables/{table}/changes


  • API
    • CDF Related API
    • Microsoft Azure Pre-Signed URL
  • Documentation
    • README
    • Wiki
  • DevOps
    • Dockerfile
    • Helm Chart
  • Admin Console (React/Frontend)
  • Data Access Audit
    • Enrich Access Log
    • Share Namespaces
    • Token Blacklist



  1. Delta Sharing: An Open Protocol for Secure Data Sharing

You can find the Delta Sharing open protocol specification here.

Related Projects

  1. Riverbank

This project motivated and helped me a lot to start Kotosiro Sharing project.

  1. delta-rs

Needless to say, this great Rust crate allowed me to create full-fledged Delta Sharing APIs.


  1. An example configuration can also be found at config directory.

  2. When Kotosiro Sharing detects duplicated configuration variables, the values from environment variables take precedence over those from configuration files.

  3. These variables may be required when you use the corresponding cloud backends. If these variables are not set when dealing with tables located in the corresponding storage backends, Kotosito server will return unsigned URLs instead and may cause internal server errors. 2