- Domain name
- DNS account
- Email hosting
- Mailbox accounts
- Web hosting account
- Web hosting ip
- Logo Images and favicon
- 400 width by 90 hight pixels
- 32 × 32 for favicon
- Site title ( e.g. elaoshi )
- Terms & conditions
- Policy
- Privacy
- Returns Policy
- Warranty
- Payment Bank Detail
- account name
- bank name
- Courrier
- Courrier Company
- Cost
- Delivery time
- Delivery countries
- About us page
- Contact us page
- Company Address
- Contact email
- Contact phone
- Email hosting server
- email account for admin / info / finance / support
- order notification email address
- Home page
- Slider show banners
- Design
- Promotion events images
- Products information
- Product images
- 1000 x 1000 pixels
- Categories
- Category images and description
- Gallary images
- Product title
- Stock inventory
- Retail price
- Sale price
- Profit percentage
- Sale channels commission rate
- Product price before GST
- GST / Tax rate
- Unit
- Weight
- Size: Width x Length x Height
- Shipping fee
- Product description
- Product detail images
- Product package images
- Product images
- Order management
- Finance orders report quarterly
- Paypal
- Account username and password
- Api key
- Api secret
- Scripe
- Account username and password
- Api Key
- Api secret
- Google Analytics account
- GTM account
- Security on hosting
- IP write label
- FIrewall
- Web spam database
- IP BlackList for special countries
- Adminitor entry rewrite / protected
- Database daily/weekly/monthly backup
- Backup file move to local file or data center
- Backup to dropbox / aws s3
- Cookie notice plugin
- Events management
- Inventory management
- Member affiliate network
- Bulk edit product information
- Load balance
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