Unable to access sub values in for loop
andyman212 opened this issue · 0 comments
Please can someone help me where I am going wrong, I am unable to access sub values using "." nothing is generating in the word ty
Thank you.
Python 3.10.7
`from pathlib import Path
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
data = {"devices":
[{"server": "VM-SNMP-01","ipaddress": "","community": "public","version": "v2c"},
{"server": "VM-SNMP-02","ipaddress": "","community": "public","version": "v3"}]}}},
[{"server": "VM-SNMP-01","ipaddress": "","community": "public","version": "v2c"},
{"server": "VM-SNMP-02","ipaddress": "","community": "public","version": "v3"}]}}}]}
def create_snmp_table(data):
device_info = []
for device in data["devices"]:
for key, value in device.items():
for server in value["config"]["snmp"]:
"device": key,
"server": server["server"],
"ipaddress": server["ipaddress"],
"community": server["community"],
"version": server["version"],
return device_info
snmptable = create_snmp_table(data)
structured_data = {"root": [snmptable]}
doc = DocxTemplate(f"{Path(file).parent.parent}/Test Template.docx")
doc.save(f"{Path(file).parent}/Test Document.docx")`