- 0
line type in table when generating a dynamic table
#576 opened by X1angyang - 2
- 0
Aliases variables in docx files using Jinja2's {% set %} and {% with %} syntax
#573 opened by lishuaijiang - 0
{%vm%} vertical merge not working as expected
#571 opened by chrisu-mi - 1
- 0
Footnote Reference Numbering Bug
#570 opened by leandroxxxxx - 0
Formatted text after subdoc tag corrupts generated docx (cannot be opened by Microsoft Word)
#565 opened by ldallolio - 4
Nested for in table
#547 opened by jodyphelan - 3
Nested tables in normal for loops
#564 opened by derekhsu - 5
- 0
RichText font size
#562 opened by Daniel-ltw - 2
Extract all tags from docx template
#546 opened by ivovdongenbdo - 0
replace_pic function has been updated to support setting the width and height of the replaced image.
#561 opened by mcode999 - 3
how use vm tag in secondary loop table
#535 opened by user-tq - 6
- 9
Iterate over unexpected newlines of the array
#560 opened by Scat15 - 2
Cell background tags do not work in docx files with shorthand tags (i.e., with <w:tcPr /> instead of <w:tcPr>...</w:tcPr>)
#559 opened by pecanka - 8
Corrupted Docx Result (Template: Ms Word 2010-365)
#558 opened by rrrr98 - 0
Autoescape should be TRUE by default
#557 opened by HongYang01 - 3
- 1
- 0
Insert many tables in loop
#551 opened by voronind - 0
- 0
Escaping delimiters cannot render properly
#548 opened by trouver - 0
Change from line breaks to new line in Word.
#544 opened by learzahaker - 2
Clarify format of word document in documentation
#543 opened by kevinlinxc - 0
Custom margins change to default ones
#542 opened by klalex - 8
DocumentPart object has no attribute '_rels'.
#541 opened by theodore86 - 0
problem with render function
#540 opened by ReynanVv - 0
Ability to change caption of embedded object
#539 opened by UADevelopment - 1
Need support for nested data in `get_undeclared_template_variables` method
#538 opened by roynrishingha - 1
In MacOS enviroment,the font is in correct!help
#536 opened by AndyChenrun - 0
Unable to access sub values in for loop
#534 opened by andyman212 - 0
Create richtext from commandline execution
#531 opened by effem - 0
- 0
Whether you can add paper orientation
#529 opened by sunblog3 - 1
Missing v0.16.8 tag
#528 opened by podsvirov - 0
Jinja2 vulnerability patch request
#526 opened by dralexxx - 1
Can a colwidth tag be added to handle column width?
#523 opened by ElHaydo - 0
Add direction to RichText
#525 opened by mostafaei2002 - 0
How to change SmartArt
#524 opened by Asteri5m - 6
Wrong encoding when runned via module
#516 opened by netaddict - 4
Forms and documents are corrupted when using vm tags
#522 opened by phybrain - 0
Missing paragraphs after insert subdoc
#520 opened by rainocean - 0
Embedded font missing
#519 opened by wesleimarinho - 1
- 1
Adding multiple statements to table
#513 opened by Martmists-GH - 1
how to handle images and tables
#517 opened by februaryfang - 3
- 0
Compatibility with python-docx v1.0.0
#515 opened by asukero