
StatusBot-v3 (uses: discord.js-v12)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the Status Bot repository

This repo and any bots using it will not work after April 30th 2022, following the announcement made by Discord staff

Anything using the v6/v7 API endpoints will either need to be upgraded to v9 or v10, if not it will not work after the date above!

  • Alrighty with the welcome out of the way, lets get started.

Discord Notice

In order for this to work you WILL need to enable these img

On the Discord Developers page for your bot.

Getting started

⚠ You'll need nodejs v12+ to run this code, due to discord.js-v12

    1. Download the bot or use git clone https://github.com/elara-bots/Status-Bot
    1. Once you got that done open either git bash or command prompt in the folder and do npm install and wait until it's finished.
    1. Go to index.js and put in the required information.
    owners: [] // Your owner ID, example: owners: ["123456789"]
    prefix: process.env.PREFIX || "?", // Your bot's prefix, example: prefix: "?" // default prefix is "?"
    token: process.env.BOT_TOKEN // Put the bot's token in the .env file, instructions down below, you get this from the Discord Developers page, if you're unsure where to get it do a quick google to figure it out.
    watch: [] // This is an array-object for which users to watch by the bot and announce when they go offline/online
    // Example: [add("USERID", "WEBHOOK_URL", "GUILD_ID", {role: "ROLE_ID", enabled: true})] // note: the role is optional.. 
    // Why use webhooks? 
    // Webhooks allow you to mention the role without needing it mentionable in the server settings. 🙂
    presence: { // optional
        status: "", // Types: online, idle, dnd, invisible
        name: "", // Whatever you want the bot to say it's playing.
        url: "" // only needed for the streaming playing status.
    1. Remove the .example from the .env.example file, fill out the BOT_TOKEN field and the PREFIX

Extra Information

This repository uses: great-commando [v12 branch].. if you have any issues with the great-commando package open an issue in that repository, include the branch you're using.