Stand With Ukraine

Hi there 👋,
I'm Volodymyr Mechkauskas

Typing SVG

LinkedIn Upwork Ukraine

Open Source Open Source Projects


This template provides a minimal setup to get React with TypeScript + Zustand + Tailwind and working in Vite.

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👨‍💻 Languages:

HTML CSS SCSS Less JavaScript TypeScript

🧰 Libraries & Frameworks:

bootstrap tailwindcss Headless UI MUI React React Router React Hook Form Redux Redux-Saga Redux-Form Axios NextJS Gatsby Angular NodeJS Express.js Strapi jQuery JSON Mongoose Electron.js


MongoDB redis MySQL MariaDB

💻 Software & Tools:

Vite Creat React App Vercel WebStorm PhpStorm Visual Studio Code mongochef Git Postman Figma Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator ESLint EditorConfig

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Stand With Ukraine