
This is boilerplate to develop Isomorphic ReactJS Web

It contains following features

  • ES2015 with stage-0
  • ExpressJS
  • Development Server (browser-sync and hmr integrated)
  • Build script for deploying or run your project


$ npm install
$ npm run build-tools
$ npm start

npm start is shorthand for npm run server development

that development parameter is name of build configure.

Build Configure

In development configure,

  • Generate source maps to debug your code
  • Copy assets without changing filename

In production configure,

  • Generate minified codes using uglify plugin
  • Copy assets as hash filename

Hash filename will be disabled with dev-server to reduce file creation

Start with dev-server

When you edit your server source, It will restart server itself to fast development.

Also, browser-sync and HMR script will be injected.

bundle script file will not be created without NODE_ENV=production

$ npm run server <configure>

Running dev-server with NODE_ENV=production with production configure

This is real production mode for dev-server

In this environment,

  • Still, Server will be restarted when code changed.
  • Browser-Sync and HMR disabled. Refreshing browser is your responsibility.
  • Build process will copy assets as hash filename like production build.

However, it will not delete old files.

Build Project

Build result will be saved into ./build/configure directory.

Before you run this command, delete that directory to build cleanly

$ npm run build <configure>

Config Files


This file contains binding informations for server.

dev-server requires this file.


This file contains parameter for build to execute commands.

After change this file, you need to run npm run build-tools command.

Also, probably you have to change server code to work properly


$ npm start
$ npm run build-tools
$ npm run build <configure>
$ npm run server <configure>