- 13
- 10
tls keystores password in elasticsearch.keystore not updated when es_upload_ssl==false
#759 opened by schallee - 9
Stop overriding default jvm.options file
#738 opened by jmlrt - 4
Safe options for log4j2 - CVE-2021-44228
#841 opened by kcris - 1
How to remove always tag
#843 opened by iaacautomation - 6
Wrong elasticsearch.keystore permissions forbid elasticsearch.service from starting
#802 opened by LolloneS - 15
- 2 should point to location of bin/elasticsearch-certutil
#826 opened by brsolomon-deloitte - 7
no in es_conf_dir
#748 opened by Gurpartap - 9
Remove support for `es_user` / `es_group` customization
#719 opened by jmlrt - 8
Play does not fail when working with security and es_api_basic_auth_username and es_api_basic_auth_password are not provided
#756 opened by redgryphon - 8
Cleanup files/systemd/elasticsearch_override.conf
#752 opened by jmlrt - 2
- 3
Playbook not working with rh8
#818 opened by ninorito - 3
gpg dependencies missing
#810 opened by DirectorSloan - 2
Single node cluster configuration
#817 opened by poleszcz - 6
"Activate ES trial license" is not idempotent
#778 opened by jmlrt - 2
Turn on systemd on OracleLinux
#814 opened by spTorin - 2
Specifying `` as a list is deprecated in Elasticsearch 7.13
#813 opened by konstantin-kornienko - 2
Segmentation fault in JNA library due to non-existent home directory for elasticsearch user
#811 opened by yuriysklyarenko - 0
Upload pem certs from local to remote
#834 opened by iaacautomation - 0
Hacktoberfest participation
#824 opened by darxriggs - 7
- 2
- 4
Migrate to Ansible collection
#775 opened by bndabbs - 2
issue with "could not find java in bundled JDK"
#805 opened by malnajdi - 4
Role fails when pointed to es_ssl_keystore / es_ssl_truststore using CA and Cert created with bin/elasticsearch-certutil
#827 opened by brsolomon-deloitte - 6
- 1
- 1
kibana connect to elastic
#815 opened by mateuszsocko - 4
- 3
delete elasticsearch
#764 opened by Bernhard-Fluehmann - 2
FR: Install Elasticsearch-plugins with this role
#794 opened by ppuschmann - 0
Role execution fails if started in check mode
#786 opened by tobiashuste - 0
Downloading Elasticsearch 7.x without repository on Red Hat like systems is failing
#781 opened by jmlrt - 5
Please standardize documentation convention
#713 opened by trondhindenes - 1
- 1
GET requests can not have a body.
#774 opened by rs-garrick - 2
elasticsearch-Debian.yml is not working for install ELK 7+ versions without using repository
#758 opened by rubarclk - 5
- 0
Mismatch between release name v7.10.1 and version 7.10.1
#750 opened by jmlrt - 2
es_version_lock not idempotent
#746 opened by fourstepper - 0
Add support for CentOS / RHEL 8.x
#737 opened by jmlrt - 5
Tag 6.6.0 is not compatible with Ansible 2.10
#735 opened by hueneburg - 1
[RFE] Support for container installation
#720 opened by ismaelpuerto - 5
- 1
- 2
- 2
Don't use double-quotes around the password
#711 opened by wrossmann - 2
Unable to compare role versions
#694 opened by ahmadalli