
Elastic Azure Links Redirect to ERROR URLs

sylvie777 opened this issue · 10 comments

From @lisatrosh (original post: https://github.com/elastic/website-requests/issues/997)

Provide the following information to help us identify and troubleshoot the issue.

Image 2-9-23 at 3 23 PM

  • Device type: Browser
  • Specifics (e.g., OS, Hardware, Browser, etc.):

List out steps on how to recreate the issue.

  1. When I google elastic azure marketplace:

See screenshot attached of top 2 links redirecting to the wrong link. Correct link is: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/elastic.ec-azure-pp?exp=ubp8&tab=Overview

If you have a screenshot, add it below.

Hello all, I am following up on this ticket :)

@sylvie777 What is the status of this ticket, please?

@dustyjackson Please check with the Stack Docs team. I transferred this out of my repo because my team does not manage the Docs section.

Hello @sylvie777 how do we reach the stack docs team and is this ticket already transferred? Do they use Github? cc. @dustyjackson

@lisatrosh You're currently in their repo: #2327 😄

Hi @sylvie777 and @lisatrosh
Let me know if I misunderstand, but it seems to me that the links are correct as is. That is, Elasticsearch (Self managed) and Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch Service) are distinct products both available in Azure Marketplace.

We are, however, checking on the Elastic Self Managed product in Azure to find out if there are plans underway to deprecate it.

@kilfoyle I would welcome the chance to discuss this live on a call and explain my concerns about the links and where they are pointing to. Please let me know if we can do that. Thank you.

Thanks @dustyjackson! I added something to your calendar for Thursday. @sylvie777 it'd be really nice if you can attend too, as I really am not familiar with the redirect process (in the docs we can redirect from one docs page to another, but I thought typically that a redirect from docs to a product page would be handled by the web team).

I am wondering if we should instead put a link at the top of those docs pages recommending people toward the Elasticsearch Service product in Azure Marketplace, but let's discuss that in the call.

Just for reference for our discussion, here's an example of how a recommendation notice would appear:
Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 10 37 19 AM

@dustyjackson As we discussed, the main pages of the Azure Marketplace docs are updated now. Here's how the notice appears:

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 12 20 15 PM

Separately, we're adding a "no index" tag to this section of the docs, so in time that should help reduce their prominence in the Google search results.

I think this issue can be closed now, but if we've missed anything please let us know.