
A fully working, most feature-rich Vue.js terminal emulator. Now with Vue.js 3 support!

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


A fully working, most feature-rich Vue.js terminal emulator. See the demo and check the demo source code. Now with Vue.js 3 support!


  • Simple, yet extensible API
  • Supports asynchronous commands
  • Supports fullscreen mode
  • Customize the terminal with slots
  • Provide your own parser (falls back to simple one)
  • Multiline support (with \)
  • Autocompletion resolver (with )
  • Browse history (with /)
  • Search history (with Ctrl + r)
  • Provide your own event resolver to support additional keyboard events


$ npm install vue-command --save


Let's start with a dead simple example. We want to send "Hello world" to Stdout when entering hello-world.

  <vue-command :commands="commands" />

import VueCommand, { createStdout } from "vue-command";
import "vue-command/dist/vue-command.css";

export default {
  components: {

  data: () => ({
    commands: {
      "hello-world": () => createStdout("Hello world"),

Now a more complex one. Let's assume we want to build the nano editor available in many shells.

We inject terminal to make sure the editor is only visible when the terminal is in fullscreen mode and also a function called exit to tell the terminal that the command has been finished when the user enters Ctrl + x. Furthermore, we use setFullscreen to switch the terminal into fullscreen mode.

  <div v-show="terminal.isFullscreen">
    <textarea ref="nano" @keyup.ctrl.x.exact="exit">
This is a nano text editor emulator! Press Ctrl + x to leave.</textarea

export default {
  inject: ["exit", "setFullscreen", "terminal"],

  created() {

  mounted() {

<style scoped>
textarea {
  height: 100%;

Now the command has to return the component.

  <vue-command :commands="commands" />

import VueCommand from "vue-command";
import "vue-command/dist/vue-command.css";
import NanoEditor from "@/components/NanoEditor.vue";

export default {
  components: {

  data: () => ({
    commands: {
      nano: () => NanoEditor,


Some properties can be mutated by the terminal. Therefore, adding the v-model directive is required.

Property Description Type Default value Required Two-way binding
commands See Commands Object {} No No
cursor-position Cursor position Number 0 No Yes
dispatched-queries Non-empty dispatched queries Set new Set() No Yes
event-resolver See Event resolver Function newDefaultEventResolver No No
font Terminal font String '' No No
help-text Command help String '' No Yes
help-timeout Command help timeout Number 3000 No No
hide-bar Hides the bar Boolean false No No
hide-buttons Hides the buttons Boolean false No No
hide-prompt Hides the prompt Boolean false No No
hide-title Hides the title Boolean false No No
history Terminal history Array [] No Yes
history-position Points to the latest dispatched query entry Number 0 No Yes
interpreter See Interpreter Function null No No
invert Inverts the terminals colors Boolean false No No
is-fullscreen Terminal fullscreen mode Boolean false No Yes
options-resolver See Options resolver Function null No No
parser Query parser Function defaultParser No No
prompt Terminal prompt String ~$ No No
show-help Show query help Boolean false No No
title Terminal title String ~$ No No
query Terminal query String '' No Yes


commands must be an object containing key-value pairs where key is the command and the value is a function that will be called with the parsed arguments. The function can return a Promise and must return or resolve a Vue.js component. To return strings or a new query, use one of the convenient helper methods.

Any component that is not the query component can inject the context. The context includes the parsed and raw query as fields.

Event resolver

It's possible to provide an array property eventResolver which is called when the terminal is mounted. Each event resolver will be called with the terminals references and exposed values.

The libraries defaultHistoryEventResolver makes usage of that and allows to cycle through commands with /.

Options resolver

The terminal provides a built-in autocompletion for the given commands. As soon as the query has been autocompleted by the terminal, it's calling the options resolver provided as property. The resolver is called with the program, parsed query and a setter to update the query.


An interpreter allows to execute arbitrary code after the query has been dispatched and to not rely on missing functionality which includes pipes, streams or running multiple commands in parallel.

The interpreter is a property function that is called with the unparsed query right after the query component calls dispatch and terminates it at the same time. After the call, you must use the properties and exposed functions to reach the desired behaviour.



You can replace the whole terminal bar with the named slot bar. This will replace the whole element, including the action buttons and its assigned CSS classes. Example:

  <template #bar>


Inside the bar, you can customize the buttons. If you use this slot, hideButtons property has no effect. Example:

  <template #buttons>
    &times; &#95; &square;


Inside the bar, you can customize the title. If you use this slot, hideTitle and title property have no effect. Example:

  <template #title>
    bash - 720x350


You can overwrite the prompt with the prompt slot. If you use this slot, hidePrompt and prompt property have no effect. Example:

  <template #prompt>


Library provides helper methods to render terminal related content.

Function Parameters Description
createCommandNotFound command, text = 'command not found', name = 'VueCommandNotFound' Creates a command not found component
createStderr formatterOrText, name = 'VueCommandStderr' Creates a "stderr" component
createStdout formatterOrText, name = 'VueCommandStdout' Creates a "stdout" component
createQuery Creates a query component
defaultHistoryEventResolver refs, eventProvider The default history event resolver
defaultParser query The default parser
defaultSignalEventResolver refs, eventProvider The default signal event resolver
jsonFormatter value See Formatters
listFormatter ...lis See Formatters
newDefaultEventResolver Returns a new default event resolver
newDefaultHistory Returns a new default history
tableFormatter rows See Formatters
textFormatter text, innerHtml = false See Formatters

Helper methods can be imported by name:

import { createStdout, createQuery } from "vue-command";


The first argument of createStdout can be either a primitive (Boolean, Number or String) or a formatter. A formatter formats the content as a list or table or something else.

Function Parameters
jsonFormatter value
listFormatter ...lis
tableFormatter rows
textFormatter text, innerHtml = false

Formatters can be imported by name:

import { listFormatter } from "vue-command";


Identifier Type Parameters
addDispatchedQuery Function dispatchedQuery
appendToHistory Function ...components
dispatch Function query
decrementHistory Function
exit Function
context Object
helpText String
helpTimeout Number
hidePrompt Boolean
incrementHistory Function
optionsResolver Function program, parsedQuery, setQuery
parser Function query
programs Array
sendSignal Function signal
setCursorPosition Function cursorPosition
setFullscreen Function isFullscreen
setHistoryPosition Function historyPosition
setQuery Function query
showHelp Boolean
signals Object
slots Object
terminal Object

Provider can be injected into your component by name:

inject: ["exit", "terminal"],


Identifier Type Parameters
addDispatchedQuery Function dispatchedQuery
appendToHistory Function ...components
decrementHistory Function
dispatch Function query
exit Function
incrementHistory Function
programs Array
sendSignal Function signal
setCursorPosition Function cursorPosition
setFullscreen Function isFullscreen
setHistoryPosition Function historyPosition
setQuery Function query
signals Object
terminal Object


Name Description
closeClicked Emitted on button close click
minimizeClicked Emitted on button minimize click
fullscreenClicked Emitted on button fullscreen click


You can send and receive signals like SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGKILL. SIGINT is the only implemented signal for now. When the user presses Ctrl + c, you can listen to this event by providing a signal name and a callback:

const signals = inject("signals");
const sigint = () => {
  // Tear down component
signals.on("SIGINT", sigint);

To unsubscribe from the signal, pass the same signal name and callback you used to subscribe to the signal.

signals.off("SIGINT", sigint);

The libraries query component makes usage of that and allows to cancel a query with SIGINT and appending ^C to the query.


These features didn't make it into the last release. If you would like to contribute please consult CONTRIBUTING.md.

  • Draggable terminal
  • More events (like query dispatched)
  • More key combinations

Browser support

This library uses the ResizeObserver to track if the terminal needs to scroll to the bottom. You may need a polyfill to support your target browser.

Projects using vue-command

Chuck Norris API

The Chuck Norris jokes are comming from this API. This library has no relation to Chuck Norris or the services provided by the API.


Julian Claus and contributors. Special thanks to krmax44 for the amazing work!

I apologize to some contributors that are not in the Git history anymore since I had to delete the repository because of problems with semantic-release.
