OpenAPI Doc Generator for Elastic Path APIs

Elastic Path

This repo utilizes ( Palo AltoNetworks OpenAPI Doc Generator for generating API reference docs in Docusaurus v2.

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This template is built with Docusaurus 2.

Local Development

yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


yarn build

It is recommended that you run build prior to updating the repository with any changes. The build process is what the hosting provider uses to generate the static website. Failures locally in build will result in failures at the hosting provider.

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Frequently Asks Questions:

How do you create a link from one Open API spec to another?

The easiest method is by navigating the site and copy the link from the URL of the file you are linking to without the https://your_url portion of the request unless you are linking from other content docs such as Guides or Blog or any additional content docs that have been added. Essentially, the location should be /docs/api/service/tag/api_request


  • service = service name in OpenAPI spec
  • tag = Tag in OpenAPI spec
  • api_request = CRUD

What CSS library is utilized?

We utilize both the standard Docusaurus custom theme and TailwindCSS for styling of pages.

Where do I modify the dropdown menu contained under docs and resources?

  • Docs menu is located at /src/snippets/resoureDOCS.html
  • Resource menu is located at /src/snippets/resources.html

What are OpenAPI specifications stored?

All specifications are stored under /openapispecs/service_name/spec_name.yaml

Where do I store shared partials markdown docs?

Partials are stored in the standard Docusaurus location of /docs/partials using a convention of _name-section.mdx

How do I add in additional API links on the /api/ page?

Update HeroSectionAPIs.tsx located at /src/components/api/HeroSectionAPIs.tsx. Be sure to include a new icon for every service being added. We utilize !FluentUI Icons Regular (not filled)

OpenAPI Docs Overview

The docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs package extends the Docusaurus CLI with commands for generating MDX using the OpenAPI specification as the source. The resulting MDX is fully compatible with plugin-content-docs and can be used to render beautiful reference API docs by setting docItemComponent to @theme/ApiItem, a custom component included in the docusaurus-theme-openapi-docs theme.

Key Features:

  • Compatible: Works with Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0.
  • Fast: Convert large OpenAPI specs into MDX docs in seconds. 🔥
  • Stylish: Based on the same Infima styling framework that powers the Docusaurus UI.
  • Flexible: Supports single, multi and even micro OpenAPI specs.

Compatibility Matrix

Docusaurus OpenAPI Docs Docusaurus
3.0.0-beta.x (beta) 3.0.1 - 3.1.1
2.0.x (current) 2.4.1 - 2.4.3
1.7.3 (legacy) 2.0.1 - 2.2.0

Plugin Configuration Options

The docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs plugin can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
id string null A unique plugin ID.
docsPlugin string @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs The plugin used to render the OpenAPI docs (ignored if the plugin instance referenced by docsPluginId is a preset).
docsPluginId string null The plugin ID associated with the preset or configured docsPlugin instance used to render the OpenAPI docs (e.g. "your-plugin-id", "classic", "default").


config can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
specPath string null Designated URL or path to the source of an OpenAPI specification file or directory of multiple OpenAPI specification files.
ouputDir string null Desired output path for generated MDX and sidebar files.
proxy string null Optional: Proxy URL to prepend to base URL when performing API requests from browser.
template string null Optional: Customize MDX content with a desired template.
downloadUrl string null Optional: Designated URL for downloading OpenAPI specification. (requires info section/doc)
hideSendButton boolean null Optional: If set to true, hides the "Send API Request" button in API demo panel
showExtensions boolean null Optional: If set to true, renders operation-level vendor-extensions in description.
sidebarOptions object null Optional: Set of options for sidebar configuration. See below for a list of supported options.
version string null Optional: Version assigned to single or micro-spec API specified in specPath.
label string null Optional: Version label used when generating version selector dropdown menu.
baseUrl string null Optional: Version base URL used when generating version selector dropdown menu.
versions object null Optional: Set of options for versioning configuration. See below for a list of supported options.
markdownGenerators object null Optional: Customize MDX content with a set of options for specifying markdown generator functions. See below for a list of supported options.
showSchemas boolean null Optional: If set to true, generates schema pages and adds them to the sidebar.

sidebarOptions can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
groupPathsBy string null Organize and group sidebar slice by specified option. Note: Currently, groupPathsBy only contains support for grouping by tag and tagGroup.
categoryLinkSource string null Defines what source to use for rendering category link pages when grouping paths by tag.

The supported options are as follows:

tag: Sets the category link config type to generated-index and uses the tag description as the link config description.

info: Sets the category link config type to doc and renders the info section as the category link (recommended only for multi/micro-spec scenarios).

none: Does not create pages for categories, only groups that can be expanded/collapsed.
sidebarCollapsible boolean true Whether sidebar categories are collapsible by default.
sidebarCollapsed boolean true Whether sidebar categories are collapsed by default.
customProps object null Additional props for customizing a sidebar item.

You may optionally configure a sidebarOptions. In doing so, an individual sidebar.js slice with the configured options will be generated within the respective outputDir.

versions can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
specPath string null Designated URL or path to the source of an OpenAPI specification file or directory of micro OpenAPI specification files.
ouputDir string null Desired output path for versioned, generated MDX files.
label string null Optional: Version label used when generating version selector dropdown menu.
baseUrl string null Optional: Version base URL used when generating version selector dropdown menu.

All versions will automatically inherit sidebarOptions from the parent/base config.


markdownGenerators can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
createApiPageMD function null Optional: Returns a string of the raw markdown body for API pages.

Function type: (pageData: ApiPageMetadata) => string
createInfoPageMD function null Optional: Returns a string of the raw markdown body for info pages.

Function type: (pageData: InfoPageMetadata) => string
createTagPageMD function null Optional: Returns a string of the raw markdown body for tag pages.

Function type: (pageData: TagPageMetadata) => string
createSchemaPageMD function null Optional: Returns a string of the raw markdown body for schema pages.

Function type: (pageData: SchemaPageMetadata) => string

CLI Usage

Usage: docusaurus <command> [options]

  -V, --version                                            output the version number
  -h, --help                                               display help for command

  build [options] [siteDir]                                Build website.
  swizzle [options] [themeName] [componentName] [siteDir]  Wraps or ejects the original theme files into website folder for customization.
  deploy [options] [siteDir]                               Deploy website to GitHub pages.
  start [options] [siteDir]                                Start the development server.
  serve [options] [siteDir]                                Serve website locally.
  clear [siteDir]                                          Remove build artifacts.
  write-translations [options] [siteDir]                   Extract required translations of your site.
  write-heading-ids [options] [siteDir] [files...]         Generate heading ids in Markdown content.
  docs:version <version>                                   Tag a new docs version
  gen-api-docs <id>                                        Generates OpenAPI docs in MDX file format and sidebar.js (if enabled).
  gen-api-docs:version <id:version>                        Generates versioned OpenAPI docs in MDX file format, versions.js and sidebar.js (if enabled).
  clean-api-docs <id>                                      Clears the generated OpenAPI docs MDX files and sidebar.js (if enabled).
  clean-api-docs:version <id:version>                      Clears the versioned, generated OpenAPI docs MDX files, versions.json and sidebar.js (if

Generating OpenAPI Docs

To generate all OpenAPI docs, run the following command from the root directory of your project:

Starting the project will remove and regenerate all spec files from your OpenAPI specification files:

yarn start

Building the project will remove and regenerate all spec files from your OpenAPI specification files and output static content:

yarn start

Available manual commands:

yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs all

This will generate API docs for all of the OpenAPI specification (OAS) files referenced in your docusaurus-plugin-openapi-docs config.

You may also generate OpenAPI docs for a single path or OAS by specifying the unique id:

yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs <id>

The is the name of the folder of specs in "openapispecs" folder.


yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs commerceextensions

The example above will only generate API docs relative to commerceextensions.

Cleaning API Docs

To clean/remove all API Docs, run the following command from the root directory of your project:

yarn docusaurus clean-api-docs all

You may also remove a particular set of API docs by specifying the unique id of your desired spec instance.

yarn docusaurus clean-api-docs <id>

The is the name of the folder of specs in "openapispecs" folder.


yarn docusaurus clean-api-docs commerceextensions

The example above will remove all API docs relative to commerceextensions.

Versioning OpenAPI docs

To generate all versioned OpenAPI docs, run the following command from the root directory of your project:

yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs:version <id>:all


yarn docusaurus gen-api-docs:version petstore:all

This will generate API docs for all the OpenAPI specification (OAS) files referenced in your versions config and will also generate a versions.json file.

Substitue all with a specific version ID to generate/clean a specific version. Generating for all or a specific version ID will automatically update the versions.json file.

Developer Quick Start

Looking to make a contribution? Make sure to checkout out our contributing guide.

After forking the main repository, run the following:

git clone<your account>/elasticpath-dev.git
cd elasticpath-dev
yarn start

This will start the development server on localhost.


Special thanks to @bourdakos1 (Nick Bourdakos), the author of docusaurus-openapi, which this project is heavily based on.