EPCC Search AST Helper


This project is designed to help consume the EP-Internal-Search-Ast-v* headers. In particular, it provides functions for processing these headers in a variety of use cases.

Retrieving an AST

The GetAst() function will convert the JSON header into a struct that can be then be processed by other functions:

package example

import epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"

func Example(headerValue string) (*epsearchast_v3.AstNode, error) {
	ast, err := epsearchast_v3.GetAst(headerValue)
	if err != nil { 
		return nil, err
    } else { 
		return ast, nil


This package provides a way to support aliases for fields, this will allow a user to specify multiple different names for a field, and still have it validated and converted properly:

package example

import epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode) error {
	//The ast from the user will be converted into a new one, and if the user specified a payment_status field, the new ast will have it recorded as status. 
	aliasedAst, err := ApplyAliases(ast, map[string]string{"payment_status": "status"})

	if err != nil { 
		return err
	return err


This package provides a concise way to validate that the operators and fields specified in the header are permitted:

package example

import epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode) error {
	var err error
	// The following is an implementation of all the filter operators for orders https://elasticpath.dev/docs/orders/orders-api/orders-api-overview#filtering
	err = epsearchast_v3.ValidateAstFieldAndOperators(ast, map[string][]string {
		"status": {"eq"},
		"payment": {"eq"},
		"shipping": {"eq"},
		"name": {"eq", "like"},
		"email": {"eq", "like"},
		"customer_id": {"eq", "like"},
		"account_id": {"eq", "like"},
		"account_member_id": {"eq", "like"},
		"contact.name": {"eq", "like"},
		"contact.email": {"eq", "like"},
		"shipping_postcode": {"eq", "like"},
		"billing_postcode": {"eq", "like"},
		"with_tax": {"gt", "ge", "lt", "le"},
		"without_tax": {"gt", "ge", "lt", "le"},
		"currency": {"eq"},
		"product_id": {"eq"},
		"product_sku": {"eq"},
		"created_at": {"eq", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le"},
		"updated_at": {"eq", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le"},
	if err != nil { 
		return err
	// You can additionally create aliases which allows for one field to reference another:
	// In this case any headers that search for a field of `order_status` will be mapped to `status` and use those rules instead. 
	err = epsearchast_v3.ValidateAstFieldAndOperatorsWithAliases(ast, map[string][]string {"status": {"eq"}}, map[string]string {"order_status": "status"})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Finally you can also supply validators on fields, which may be necessary in some cases depending on your data model or to improve user experience.
	// Validation is provided by the go-playground/validator package https://github.com/go-playground/validator#usage-and-documentation
	err = epsearchast_v3.ValidateAstFieldAndOperatorsWithValueValidation(ast, map[string][]string {"status": {"eq"}}, map[string]string {"status": "oneof=incomplete complete processing cancelled"})
	return err


At present, you can only use string validators when validating a field, a simple pull request can be created to fix this issue if you need it.

Generating Queries


The following examples shows how to generate a Gorm query with this library.

package example

import epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"
import epsearchast_v3_gorm "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3/gorm"
import "gorm.io/gorm"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode, query *gorm.DB, tenantBoundaryId string) error {
	var err error
	// Not Shown: Validation
	// Create query builder
	var qb epsearchast_v3.SemanticReducer[epsearchast_v3_gorm.SubQuery] = epsearchast_v3_gorm.DefaultGormQueryBuilder{}

	sq, err := epsearchast_v3.SemanticReduceAst(ast, qb)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Don't forget to add additional filters 
	query.Where("tenant_boundary_id = ?", tenantBoundaryId)
	// Don't forget to expand the Args argument with ...
	query.Where(sq.Clause, sq.Args...)
  1. The GORM builder does not support aliases (easy MR to fix).
  2. The GORM builder does not support joins (fixable in theory).
  3. There is no way currently to specify the type of a field for SQL, which means everything gets written as a string today (fixable with MR).
Advanced Customization

In some cases you may want to change the behaviour of the generated SQL, the following example shows how to do that in this case, we want all eq queries for emails to use the lower case, comparison, and for cart_items field to be numeric.

package example

import (
	epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"
import epsearchast_v3_gorm "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3/gorm"
import "gorm.io/gorm"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode, query *gorm.DB, tenantBoundaryId string) error {
	var err error

	// Not Shown: Validation

	// Create query builder
	var qb epsearchast_v3.SemanticReducer[epsearchast_v3_gorm.SubQuery] = &CustomQueryBuilder{}

	sq, err := epsearchast_v3.SemanticReduceAst(ast, qb)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Don't forget to add additional filters 
	query.Where("tenant_boundary_id = ?", tenantBoundaryId)
	// Don't forget to expand the Args argument with ...
	query.Where(sq.Clause, sq.Args...)

type CustomQueryBuilder struct {

func (l *CustomQueryBuilder) VisitEq(first, second string) (*epsearchast_v3_gorm.SubQuery, error) {
	if first == "email" {
		return &epsearchast_v3_gorm.SubQuery{
			Clause: fmt.Sprintf("LOWER(%s::text) = LOWER(?)", first),
			Args:   []interface{}{second},
		}, nil
	} else if first == "cart_items" {
		n, err := strconv.Atoi(second)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return &epsearchast_v3_gorm.SubQuery{
			Clause: fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", first),
			Args:   []interface{}{n},
		}, nil
	} else {
		return DefaultGormQueryBuilder.VisitEq(l.DefaultGormQueryBuilder, first, second)


The following examples shows how to generate a Mongo Query with this library.

package example

import (
	epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"
	epsearchast_v3_mongo "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3/mongo"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode, collection *mongo.Collection, tenantBoundaryQuery bson.M)  (*mongo.Cursor, error) {
	// Not Shown: Validation

	// Create query builder
	var qb epsearchast_v3.SemanticReducer[bson.D] = DefaultMongoQueryBuilder{}

	// Create Query Object
	queryObj, err := epsearchast_v3.SemanticReduceAst(ast, qb)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	mongoQuery := bson.D{
	return collection.Find(context.TODO(), mongoQuery)
  1. The Mongo Query builder is designed to produce filter compatible with the filter argument in a Query, if a field in the API is a projection that requires computation via the aggregation pipeline, then we would likely need code changes to support that.
Advanced Customization

In some cases you may want to change the behaviour of the generated Mongo, the following example shows how to do that in this case we want to change emails because we store them only in lower case in the db.

package example

import (
	epsearchast_v3 "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3"
	epsearchast_v3_mongo "github.com/elasticpath/epcc-search-ast-helper/external/epsearchast/v3/mongo"

func Example(ast *epsearchast_v3.AstNode, collection *mongo.Collection, tenantBoundaryQuery *bson.M)  (*mongo.Cursor, error) {
	// Not Shown: Validation

	// Create query builder
	var qb epsearchast_v3.SemanticReducer[bson.D] = &LowerCaseEmail{}

	// Create Query Object
	queryObj, err := epsearchast_v3.SemanticReduceAst(ast, qb)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	mongoQuery := bson.D{
	return collection.Find(context.TODO(), mongoQuery)

type LowerCaseEmail struct {

func (l *LowerCaseEmail) VisitEq(first, second string) (*bson.D, error) {
	if first == "email" {
		return &bson.D{{first, bson.D{{"$eq", strings.ToLower(second)}}}}, nil
	} else {
		return DefaultMongoQueryBuilder.VisitEq(l.DefaultMongoQueryBuilder, first, second)



Why does validation include alias resolution, why not process aliases first?

When validation errors occur, those errors go back to the user, so telling the user the error that occurred using the term they specified improves usability.