This is ArchMega.

** is a Script to Install ArchLinux. **

Step 1: loading your keyboard layout.

loadkey ...

Step 2: install git.

pacman -Sy git

Step 3: clone the script.

git clone

Step 4: copy the "" to the root.

cp ArchMega/ /root

Step 5: make the script executable.

chmod +x

Step 6: run the script.


Note1: The script is going to launch cfdisk and you have to creat 3 partition, the first one is EFI and the second is the SWAP partition and the 3 is the filesystem in this order.

Note2: After the installation is finished you need to reboot the system.

*** Et voilĂ  ***

This is Suckless Power.

** is a Script to SetUp The Suckless Tools. **

Note: Make sure you login with your user name.

Step1: git the script.

git clone

Step2: copy the script to your home directory and make it executable.

cp ArchMega/ chmod +x

Step3: run the script.


Note: At the end your pc is going to reboot.

Thank you.