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React Simple Gestures

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Hook to listen for simple touch and/or mouse gestures on components.

Easily detect the direction during and at the end of touch or mouse/drag-movement, use the result to determine your action and then re-render. This hook works stateless to improve performance.

Demo to flick 'n swipe, here is the demo code.

The hook useSimpleGestures creates event handlers your can just spread to your component, add your handlers with addListener.

npm i --save react-simple-gestures
import {
} from 'react-simple-gestures'

const SomeComponent = () => {
    const {
        // default handler for usage with touch gestures
        // mouse handler to listen for non-touch events
        // use this to add your listeners to any event
        // for usage in other event handlers, get the current internal state
    } = useSimpleGestures({
        // only count it as `left/right/up/down` after a change of px on an axis
        minMovementX: 50,
        minMovementY: 50,

    React.useEffect(() => {
        // register listeners on `start`, `move` and `end` events

        const unsubStart = addListener('start', (evt: SimpleGesturesResultStart, e: TouchEvent | MouseEvent) => {

        const unsubMove = addListener('move', (evt: SimpleGesturesResult, e: TouchEvent | MouseEvent) => {
            if(evt.dir === 'left' && evt.posMovedX > 150 && evt.mPxPerMsX > 200) {
                // "flicked" from left to right
                // adding own "must have moved min px" is easy in the own handlers

        const unsubEnd = addListener('end', (evt: SimpleGesturesResult, e: TouchEvent | MouseEvent) => {
            if(evt.dir === 'left' && evt.posMovedX > 150 && evt.mPxPerMsX > 200) {
                // same check, but after finishing the drag or touch-slide event

        // don't forget to unsubscribe them on unmount:
        return () => {
    }, [addListener])

    return <div
            width: 500,
            height: 500,
        // spread the handler on to the element, they are just `onMouseDown`, `onTouchStart` etc.
        // use those wanted, either both or just one `handler` = `touch`, `handlerMouse` = `mouse`


Directions are collected in three variants, they describe the movement direction relatively to the start point:

  • for X-Axis, available in result: dirX and dir
    • right, left, same
  • for Y-Axis, available in result: dirY and dir
    • up, down, same
  • for XY-Axis, available in result: dir
    • right-top, left-top, right-bottom, left-bottom, point

The XY-axis is built using the other two.


  • touchGrid: number, grid in which to count taps as the same then previous
  • touchAsSameTap: numberm in ms how long taps after another, in the same grid spot, are counted as the same tap
  • minMovementX: number, min. movement in px, for the X-axis, before counting it as direction-change
  • minMovementY: number, min. movement in px, for the Y-axis, before counting it as direction-change
  • noMultiTouch: boolean, defaults to false, when true does not execute move and end actions while the user makes a multi touch
  • getOffset: (e: TouchEvent | MouseEvent) => { x: number | undefined, y: number | undefined } | undefined
    • allows supplying an offset to move and end calculation
    • e.g. calculate the movement relatively to start
    • e.g. allows scrolling to not mess up the pointer direction
      • e.g. invalid directions where the pane moved, but the cursor kept the same position on the pane

Event Results


  • taps: number number of taps in the same touchGrid position
  • touches: number number of active touches, only for multi-touch
  • startX: number
  • startY: number
  • startTime: number time of this start event in UTC ms
  • lastStartTime: number time of the previous start event in UTC ms
  • lastEndTime: number time of the last end event in UTC ms

Move & End

  • time: number of event in UTC ms
  • duration: number in ms since start
  • touches: number number of active touches, only for multi-touch
  • dir, dirX, dir: see above directions
  • posMovedX: number, always positive number of px moved on the X-axis
  • posMovedY: number, always positive number of px moved on the Y-axis
  • movedX: number, negative or positive number of px moved on the X-axis
  • movedY: number, negative or positive number of px moved on the Y-axis
  • startX: number
  • startY: number
  • lastX: number
  • lastY: number
  • lastOffsetX: number
  • lastOffsetY: number
  • mPxPerMsY: number, milli px per milli second velocity for Y-axis
  • mPxPerMsX: number, milli px per milli second velocity for X-axis


Checkout packages/simple-gestures/src/SimpleGestures.ts for further infos and the most important interfaces.

If you get errors related to TouchEvent or MouseEvent typings, it's important to use the ones exported by react:

import { TouchEvent, MouseEvent } from 'react'


This project adheres to semver, until 1.0.0 and beginning with 0.1.0: all 0.x.0 releases are like MAJOR releases and all 0.0.x like MINOR or PATCH, modules below 0.1.0 should be considered experimental.


  1. Clone/fork repository
  2. npm i
  3. npm run bootstrap && npm run hoist
  4. Now run either:
    • npm start for launching demo app compilation of packages
    • npm test for running tests
    • npm run tdd for running tests in watch mode
    • npm run build for building the demo app and packages


This project is free software distributed under the MIT License.


© 2021 Michael Becker