HTTP Movies


Task 1: Project Setup

  • Fork this repository, then clone your fork.
  • Run npm install to download dependencies.
  • Run the server using npm start.
  • In a separate terminal cd into the client folder and run npm install to download dependencies.
  • Still inside the client folder run npm start to run the client application.

Task 2a: MVP

Updating A Movie:

  • Add a route at the path /update-movie/:id
  • Create a component with a form to update the chosen movie
  • Add a button in the movie component that routes you to your new route with the movies's id as the URL param
  • The form should make a PUT request to the server when submitted
  • When the call comes back successfully, reset your form state and route the user to /movies where they will see the updated movie in the list
  • (Editing the movie stars can be a stretch problem... don't worry about it now. Move on to the next step, and come back and solve this at the end)

Movie object format:

  id: 5,
  title: 'Tombstone',
  director: 'George P. Cosmatos',
  metascore: 89,
  stars: ['Kurt Russell', 'Bill Paxton', 'Sam Elliot'],

Deleting A Movie:

  • Add a delete button in the movie component that makes a DELETE request
  • When the call comes back successfully, route the user to /movies where they will see the updated movie list without the deleted movie

Adding A Movie:

  • Add a route at the path /add-movie
  • Create a component with a form to add a new movie
  • Each created movie should have the following format (notice the array of strings - this will test your JS skills, so work through it methodically)
  • The form should make a POST request to the server when submitted
  • When the call comes back successfully, reset your form state and route the user to /movies

Movie object format:

  id: 5,
  title: 'Tombstone',
  director: 'George P. Cosmatos',
  metascore: 89,
  stars: ['Kurt Russell', 'Bill Paxton', 'Sam Elliot'],

Task 2b: Exit Ticket

Once you begin, you will have 15 minutes to answer the questions here.

The completion of these questions is mandatory for MVP. However, passing the quiz doesn't affect your standing as a Lambda School student whatsoever. This is Lambda School testing itself! Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability without using external references.

Task 3: Stretch Problem

  • Add the ability to update the stars of a movie within a single text input field (think about how to change from an array of strings to a single string, then back to an array of strings)
  • See Part 3 above (Adding movies with a POST request)
  • Style the app!

Submission Format

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge <firstName-lastName> Branch into main (student's Repo). Please don't merge your own pull request
  • Fill out your module retrospective form here with a link to your PR