
MediaWiki Plugin to display Darkcoin Value

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Dash Values for MediaWiki

By Alexandre Devilliers (Made for fr.wiki.dashninja.pl and en.wiki.dashninja.pl) https://github.com/elbereth/DarkcoinValue

Retrieve values for BTC/DASH (via CryptoAPI on Poloniex, Cryptsy and C-Cex). Can also retrieve value against EUR fiat (via Kraken)


  • Disable cache on the pages where this is used, or it will not update until the cache expires. You can use MagicNoCache plugin for this purpose.
  • apc or apcu php extensions (this will be dropped in future versions)
  • intl extension (to format numbers)




  • Add the following line at the end of your LocalSettings.php file:
  require_once("$IP/extensions/DashValue/DarkcoinValues.php" );
  • Here are some parameters to setup:
// Available values:
//   USD/DASH - From CryptoAPI (Average)
//   DASH/BTC - From CryptoAPI (Average)
//   BTC/DASH - From CryptoAPI (Average)
//   EUR/BTC - From KrakenAPI
//   EUR/DASH - From CryptoAPI+KrakenAPI
//   LastRefresh - Indicate the last refresh date/time for values
// [Default is USD/DASH]
$wgDashValuesDefault = 'USD/DASH';

// If false do not use KrakenAPI (all EUR values not available)
// Set to false if you don't use EUR values, it will speed up the queries
// [Default to False if KrakenAPIClient.php is not installed]
// [           True if installed]
$wgDashValuesUseKrakenAPI = false;

// Locale to use to format decimals
// [Default is en_EN for English]
$wgDashValuesFormatLocale = 'en_EN';

// Refresh cache every x seconds (is negative or 0 it will always fetch = SLOW)
// [Default is 3600]
$wgDashValuesFetchInterval = 3600;

From your pages in the Wiki:

<dashvalue value="BTC/DASH" />
<dashvalue value="DASH/BTC" />
<dashvalue value="USD/DASH" />
<dashvalue value="EUR/BTC" />
<dashvalue value="EUR/DASH" />
<dashvalue value="LastRefresh" />


v1.1.0 (2015-04-08)

  • Rebranded to Dash

v1.0.5 (2014-04-18)

  • Added fallback to not use average DASH/BTC value when 0. It will use the direct value (in that order) from: Cryptsy, Ccex or Poloniex (Unless the value is equal to 0 or 1)
  • Added fallback to cached value when CryptoAPI fails
  • Added fallback to cached value when Kraken API raises an exception

v1.0.4 (2014-04-07)

  • Updated readme for needed intl extension
  • Added internationalization (for the extension description)
  • Added URL in description (toward github)
  • Value values are now case insensitive (usd/DASH will work for example)
  • KrakenAPI is now optional (extension will work without includes/KrakenAPIClient.php)

v1.0.3 (2014-04-07)

  • Added much needed exception checking on KrakenAPI call

v1.0.2 (2014-04-02)

  • Added caching via APC/APCU (also used as fallback when query failed)

v1.0.0 (2014-03-11)

  • Initial working version (used on darkcoin.fr)