

You will need Docker 20.10.5 or greater and docker-compose installed.

You will also need Make GNU installed.

Install Docker documentation.

Install docker-compose documentation.


It is necessary to configure the file .env and set the environment variable HOST_IP with the value of your Docker host ip address.


Linux: you can run this command to show your Docker host ip:
echo $(ip addr show | grep "\binet\b.*\bdocker0\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1)

Windows (WSL2): you can use the value host.docker.internal on the env variable.

Important Note: both APIs are configured to use only HTTP (not HTTPS) and they serve a Swagger UI that can be accessed using the /swagger endpoint.


  • Run applications on ports 5000 (CalculateFee) and 7000 (FeePercentage):
make up
  • Show and attach applications logs:
make logs
  • Run the tests:
make test
  • Command to stop the containers:
make down

APIs Endpoints

FeePercentage: API responsible for returning the fee percentage.
Port 7000.

CalculateFee: API responsible for calculating the fee value based on FeePercentage API data.
Port 5000.

API Endpoint Method Description Parameters
FeePercentage and CalculateFee /swagger GET Access the Swagger UI
FeePercentage /taxaJuros GET Get fee percentage
CalculateFee /calculajuros?valorInicial={valorInicial}&meses={meses} GET Get fee value calculated valorInicial (decimal):
base value to calculate the fee;
meses (integer):
months quantity to calculate the fee.
CalculateFee /showmethecode GET Get this GitHub repository URL