
Client-side Javascript API wrapper for GitHub API V3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


gh3 is a client-side Javascript API v3 wrapper for GitHub

gh3 is async.js compliant. (thank you to Atinux and mklabs)


##Bundled with gh3 :

gh3 cames with 11 kinds of object's type :

  • Gh3.Users
  • Gh3.User
  • Gh3.Repositories
  • Gh3.Repository
  • Gh3.Branch
  • Gh3.Dir inherits of Gh3.ItemContent
  • Gh3.File inherits of Gh3.ItemContent
  • Gh3.Commit
  • Gh3.Gists
  • Gh3.Gist
  • Gh3.GistComment

You can extend all Gh3 types, eg :

var myComment = Gh3.GistComment.extend({

See § "Extend User" for more details.

##GitHub Users : Gh3.Users

###Static Methods of Gh3.Users

  • Gh3.Users.search(keyword, pagesInfo, callback) retrieve Gh3.User instances by keyword
  • Gh3.Users.getAll() : return an array of all Gh3.User instances (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Users.getByName(name) : get a user by his name (you have to call search() before) (return first found user)
  • Gh3.Users.each(callback) : execute callback for each found users (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Users.reverse() : reverse order of users (you have to call fetch() before)
  • Gh3.Users.sort(comparator) : sort users (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Users.filter(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.User instances filtered by comparator (you have to call search() before)

####example :

Gh3.Users.search("mad", {start_page : 3}, function (err, response) {
	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."
	response.each(function (user) {
		console.log(user.name, user.login, user.repos, user)

See samples/10-users.html

##GitHub User : Gh3.User

###Declare User

var k33g = new Gh3.User("k33g");

####Methods of Gh3.User

  • fetch(callback) : retrieve GitHub User's informations

###Get User data

k33g.fetch(function (err, resUser){

	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."

	console.log("Blog : ", resUser.blog); // == k33g.blog
	console.log("Name : ", resUser.name);
	//etc. ...

See /samples/01-user.html

###Extend User

I've cribbed the Backbone object model :

var GitHubUser = Gh3.User.extend({//instance members
	constructor : function(login) {
		GitHubUser.__super__.constructor.call(this, login);
},{ //Static members
	allUsers : [],
	each : function (callback) {
		_.each(GitHubUser.allUsers, function (user) {

var k33g = new GitHubUser("k33g")
,	loicdescotte = new GitHubUser("loicdescotte")
,	mklabs = new GitHubUser("mklabs")
,	chamerling = new GitHubUser("chamerling");

GitHubUser.each(function (user) {
	user.fetch(function (err, resUser) {

		if(err) {
			throw "outch ..."


See samples/02-user.html

##GitHub Repositories of a user : Gh3.Repositories

###Declare and Get Repositories of a user

var k33gRepositories = new Gh3.Repositories(k33g);
k33gRepositories.fetch(function () {
	console.log("Repositories", k33gRepositories);
}, function(){/*error*/},{page:1, per_page:500, direction : "desc"});
//all repositories, one page, 500 items per page, sort : descending

####Methods of Gh3.Repositories

  • fetch(pagesInfoAndParameters, paginationInfo, callback) retrieve Gh3.Repository instances of a user
  • getRepositories() : return an array of Gh3.Repository instances (you have to call fetch() before)
  • getRepositoryByName(name) : get a repository by his name (you have to call fetch() before)
  • eachRepository(callback) : execute callback for each repository of the user (you have to call fetch() before)
  • reverseRepositories() : reverse order of repositories (you have to call fetch() before)
  • sortRepositories(comparator) : sort repositories (you have to call fetch() before)
  • filterRepositories(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.Repository instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetchContents() before)

#####Static Methods

  • Gh3.Repositories.search(keyword, pagesInfo, callback) retrieve Gh3.Repository instances by keyword
  • Gh3.Repositories.getAll() : return an array of all Gh3.Repository instances (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Repositories.getByName(name) : get a repository by his name (you have to call search() before) (return first found repository)
  • Gh3.Repositories.each(callback) : execute callback for each found repositories (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Repositories.reverse() : reverse order of repositories (you have to call fetch() before)
  • Gh3.Repositories.sort(comparator) : sort repositories (you have to call search() before)
  • Gh3.Repositories.filter(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.Repository instances filtered by comparator (you have to call search() before)

See samples/03-repository.html See samples/09-repositories.html

##GitHub Repository : Gh3.Repository

###Declare and Get Repository informations

var k33g = new Gh3.User("k33g"); // You need a user first

var k33gBlog = new Gh3.Repository("k33g.github.com", k33g);

k33gBlog.fetch(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }


####Methods of Gh3.Repository

  • getBranches() : return array of Gh3.Branch instances
  • fetch(callback) : retrieve repository's informations
  • fetchBranches(callback) : retrieve repository's branches (you have to call fetch() before)
  • getBranchByName(branch_name) : return a Gh3.Branch instance found by name (you have to call fetchBranches() before)
  • eachBranch(callback) : execute callback for each branch of the repository (you have to call fetchBranches() before)
  • reverseBranches() : reverse order of branches
  • sortBranches(comparator) : sort branches

###Get Branches of Repository

After calling repository fetch() method :

k33gBlog.fetchBranches(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }


branches is an array of Gh3.Branch instances populated when fetchBranches() is called.

You can do that too :

k33gBlog.fetchBranches(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

	console.log("Array of branches : ", k33gBlog.getBranches());
	k33gBlog.eachBranch(function (branch) {

	//and :
	console.log("Master Branch : ", k33gBlog.getBranchByName("master"));


See samples/03-repository.html

##GitHub Branch : Gh3.Branch

####Methods of Gh3.Branch

  • fetchContents(callback) : retrieve Gh3.File instances and/or Gh3.Dir instances of the branch
  • getContents() : return array of Gh3.ItemContent instances (so Gh3.File instances and/or Gh3.Dir instances)
  • getFileByName(file_name) : return a Gh3.File instance found by name (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • getDirByName(dir_name) : return a Gh3.Dir instance found by name (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • eachContent(callback) : execute callback for each content item of the branch (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • reverseContents() : reverse order of contents
  • sortContents(comparator) : sort contents
  • filterContents(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.ItemContent instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetchContents() before)

##Get contents of a branch

You have to declare, get repository informations and fetch branches before calling fetchContents(callback) :

var k33g = new Gh3.User("k33g")
,	k33gBlog = new Gh3.Repository("k33g.github.com", k33g);

k33gBlog.fetch(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

	k33gBlog.fetchBranches(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

		var master = k33gBlog.getBranchByName("master");

		master.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
			if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

			master.eachContent(function (content) {
				console.log(content.path, content.type);


See samples/04-branch.html

You obtain a list of files and directories. You can directly fetch raw content of a file or fetch contents of a directory.

##GitHub File : Gh3.File

####Methods of Gh3.File

  • fetchContent(callback) : retrieve (raw) content of the file
  • fetchCommits(callback) : retrieve commits of the file
  • getRawContent() : return raw content of the file (you have to call fetchContent() before)
  • getCommits() : return array of Gh3.Commit instances (you have to call fetchCommits() before)
  • getLastCommit() : return last Gh3.Commit instance
  • getFirstCommit() : return first Gh3.Commit instance
  • eachCommit(callback) : execute callback for each commit of the file (you have to call fetchCommits() before)
  • filterCommits(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.Commit instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetchCommits() before)
  • reverseCommits() : reverse order of commits
  • sortCommits(comparator) : sort commits

###Get raw content of a file

master.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

	var myfile = master.getFileByName("index.html");

	/* this way is possible to :
		var myfile = master.getContents()[8];

	myfile.fetchContent(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }


See samples/05-file.html

###Get commits of a file

	myfile.fetchCommits(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }


		myfile.eachCommit(function (commit) {
			console.log(commit.author.login, commit.message, commit.date);

See samples/05-file.html

##GitHub Directory : Gh3.Dir

It works much like a Gh3.Branch.

####Methods of Gh3.Dir

  • fetchContents(callback) : retrieve Gh3.File instances and/or Gh3.Dir instances of the directory
  • getContents() : return array of Gh3.ItemContent instances (so Gh3.File instances and/or Gh3.Dir instances)
  • getFileByName(file_name) : return a Gh3.File instance found by name (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • getDirByName(dir_name) : return a Gh3.Dir instance found by name (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • eachContent(callback) : execute callback for each content item of the directory (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • reverseContents() : reverse order of contents
  • sortContents(comparator) : sort contents
  • filterContents(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.ItemContent instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetchContents() before)

###Get contents of a directory

master.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

	var dir = master.getDirByName('_posts');

	dir.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

		dir.eachContent(function (content) {
			console.log(content.name, content.type, content.size);


See samples/06-dir.html

##GitHub Gists : Gh3.Gists

####Methods of Gh3.Gists

  • fetch(pagesInfo, paginationInfo, callback) : retrieve Gh3.Gist instances of a user
  • getGists() : return an array of Gh3.Gist instances (you have to call fetch() before)
  • eachGist : execute callback for each gist of the user (you have to call fetch() before)
  • filter(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.Gist instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetch() before)

###Get public gists of a user

var GistsOfK33g = new Gh3.Gists(new Gh3.User("k33g"));

GistsOfK33g.fetch(null, null, function (err, res) {
	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."

	GistsOfK33g.eachGist(function (gist) {
		console.log(gist.description, gist.id);

###Get public gists of a user : five gists of the next page

GistsOfK33g.fetch({page:2, per_page:5}, "next", function (err, res) {
	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."

	GistsOfK33g.eachGist(function (gist) {
		console.log(gist.description, gist.id);

See samples/07-gists.html

###Get public gists of a user only if they have comment(s)

AllGistsOfK33g.fetch(function (err, res) {
	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."

	console.log("Filtered gists : ", AllGistsOfK33g.filter(function (gist) {
		return gist.comments > 0;
},function(){//onerror},{page:1, per_page:500});

See samples/07-gists.html

##GitHub Gist : Gh3.Gist

####Methods of Gh3.Gist

  • fetchContents(callback) : retrieve contents (files) of the gist
  • fetchComments(callback) : retrieve comments of the gist
  • getFileByName() : return a file of the gist, found by his name
  • getFiles() : return array of files objects
  • eachFile(callback) : execute callback for each file of the gist (you have to call fetchContents() before)
  • getComments() : return an array of Gh3.GistComment instances
  • eachComment(callback) : execute callback for each comment of the gist (you have to call fetchComments() before)
  • filterComments(comparator) : return an array of Gh3.GistComment instances filtered by comparator (you have to call fetchComments() before)

###Get a public gist by id

var oneGist = new Gh3.Gist({id:"2287018"});

oneGist.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
	if(err) {
		throw "outch ..."

	console.log("oneGist : ", oneGist);
	console.log("Files : ", oneGist.files);
	oneGist.eachFile(function (file) {
		console.log(file.filename, file.language, file.type, file.size);

####Get content of a file of a gist


See samples/07-gists.html

###Get comments of a public gist

var anOtherGist = new Gh3.Gist({id:"1096826"});

anOtherGist.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

	anOtherGist.fetchComments(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

		anOtherGist.eachComment(function (comment) {
			console.log(comment.body, "By ", comment.user.login);

See samples/07-gists.html

###Filter comments of a public gist

var PaulIrishGist = new Gh3.Gist({id:"3098860"});

PaulIrishGist.fetchContents(function (err, res) {
	if(err) { throw "outch ..." }
	PaulIrishGist.fetchComments(function (err, res) {
		if(err) { throw "outch ..." }

			PaulIrishGist.filterComments(function (comment) {
				return comment.user.login == "codepo8";


See samples/08-gists_comments.html

... to be continued


  • 2012.07.25 : '0.0.1' : first version
  • 2012.07.26 : '0.0.2' : fixes
  • 2012.07.26 : '0.0.3' : gists pagination
  • 2012.07.28 : '0.0.4' :
    • refactoring : Gh3.Helper
    • gists filtering
    • gist comments filtering
    • file commits filtering
    • commits sorting
    • new Type : Gh3.Repositories (with pagination)
  • 2012.07.29 : '0.0.5' :
    • Gh3.Repositories : add search ability
    • add Gh3.Users : search user ability
  • 2012.07.29 : '0.0.6' :
    • async.js compliant