
An a-frame component that allows you to target and control a gltf model's morphTargets


An a-frame component that allows you to target and control a gltf model's morphTargets created in Blender.

Gltf-morph in action

morphTargets are exported as part of gltf models when shape keys have been created in Blender. Here is a summary...

Shape keys are modifications of the original mesh that you can animate and mix with each other. Previously called Relative Vertex Keys (RVK), one of their major uses is to create facial expressions. The idea behind Shape keys is simple. The basic, undeformed mesh you start with is the "Basis" shape. You can add a variety of different versions of this shape and store each one as a Shape Key for use in an animation (other software sometimes refers to these as "morph targets"). (taken from here)

As well as using them for animations though, a combination of of shape keys used in different ways is a good way to be able to use the same model but with many possible variations and degrees of those variations resulting in a set of fundamentally similar but discrete objects/characters.

Basic usage

To simply target and effect a morph target, add the script in your header then add the component to your element as you would any other. Specific the name of the morph and the value that you want to set it to (0-1)

    <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.9.2/aframe.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/elbobo/aframe-gltf-morph-component/07e9b80bd382cc1c19223468d35c453e7c76e9a2/dist/aframe-gltf-morph-component.js"></script>
        gltf-morph="morphtarget:Puffed up;value:1">

If there are multiple morphTargets in the model, they can be distinguished with double underscore (as with other components)

    gltf-morph__puff="morphtarget:Puffed up;value:1"
    gltf-morph__spike="morphtarget:Spikes out;value:1">

morphTargets can also be animated using the animation component although in most cases it might make more sense to export the animations from Blender and trigger them using the animation-mixer component. (You need to add the morph target component you want to animate on to the entity before you can animate it).

    gltf-morph__puff="morphtarget:Puffed up;value:0"

And of course you can target and/or set the gltf-morph with js as part of another component

  init: function(){
    this.el.setAttribute('gltf-morph', 'morphtarget:Puffed up;value:0.5')

And using such an approach (or simply in HTML) you can see how you could for example, use the same model, but tweaking different morphTargets produce a variety of objects/characters. Example of a family of weird puffer-like fish generated from the same model below.

alt text


Property Description Default
morphtarget Name of morphTarget, can be found as part of the GLTF model ''
value Value that you want to set that morphTarget to (0 - 1) 0


If you have a model and are not sure if there are morphTargets available, or don't know what they're called. I recommend using Don McCurdy's GLTF viewer where you can see the available morphTargets and adjust them.

I only know how to use Blender where morphTargets are produced by exporting a model with shape keys. I'm afraid I don't know if exports are the same from other packages or whether you could target the morphTargets from other model file types.

There are many tutorials on both Blender and creating shape keys online but here is a good place to start for all basic types of animation in Blender, specific discussion of Key shapes starts here.

Feedback welcome as ever.