
An Adaptive Radix Tree ported from c

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT


This library provides a zig implementation of the Adaptive Radix Tree or ART. The ART operates similar to a traditional radix tree but avoids the wasted space of internal nodes by changing the node size. It makes use of 4 node sizes (8, 16, 48, 256), and can guarantee that the overhead is no more than 52 bytes per key, though in practice it is much lower. As a radix tree, it provides the following:

  • O(k) operations. In many cases, this can be faster than a hash table since the hash function is an O(k) operation, and hash tables have very poor cache locality.
  • Minimum / Maximum value lookups
  • Prefix compression
  • Ordered iteration
  • Prefix based iteration


taken from armon/libart

the memory footprint described here is unverified


See src/test_art.zig

Important Notes

This library requires null terminated string slices ([:0]const u8).

Developed and tested against zig's latest master version. The zig version when this readme was updated was 0.11.0-dev.3834+d98147414.

Use with the zig package manager

// build.zig.zon
    .name = "my lib",
    .version = "0.0.1",

    .dependencies = .{
        .art = .{
            .url = "https://github.com/travisstaloch/art.zig/archive/e8866a9f5b29a5b40db215e2242a8e265ccf300c.tar.gz",
            .hash = "1220d4b11d054408f1026fcdb026ef44939120e9a11a1ca2963a1c66e5adf3639ab6",
// build.zig
const art_dep = b.dependency("art", .{});
const art_mod = art_dep.module("art");
exe.addModule("art", art_mod);
// example zig app
const art = @import("art");

pub fn main() !void {
    const A = art.Art(usize);
    var a = A.init(&std.heap.page_allocator);
    _ = try a.insert("foo", 0);


$ zig build test -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe

Run repl

$ zig run src/art.zig -lc


The repl is very simple and responds to these commands:

  • :q - quit
  • key - adds 'key' with value = tree.size
  • key number - adds key with value = parse(number)
  • d:key - deletes key
  • :r - reset (destroy and then init) the tree

A representation of the tree will be printed after each operation.


zig build bench

This simple benchark consists of inserting, searching for and deleting each line from testdata/words.txt (235886 lines). Benchmarks are compiled with --release-fast.

vs StringHashMap

(from zig's standard library) can be found here src/test_art.zig.

The results of the benchark on my machine:

Art           insert 507ms, search 481ms, delete 495ms, combined 1484ms
StringHashMap insert 487ms, search 482ms, delete 485ms, combined 1456ms
Operation % difference
insert 04.1% slower
search 00.2% faster
delete 02.0% slower
combined 01.9% slower

vs armon/libart

Can be found src/clibart.zig

art.zig insert 505ms, search 482ms, delete 494ms, combined 1481ms
art.c   insert 494ms, search 481ms, delete 484ms, combined 1459ms
Operation % difference
insert 2.22% slower
search 0.20% slower
delete 2.06% slower
combined 1.50% slower
