
A super simple Elasticsearch tool with its own DSL and Ecto-like use.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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A super simple Elasticsearch tool with its own DSL and Ecto-like usage.


Make the Repo

defmodule Example.Repo do
  use BusCar.Repo, otp_app: :some_example

Make a Mapping

defmodule Example.Doge do
  use BusCar.Document

  document "animal", "dog" do
    property :name, :string
    property :age,  :integer



Get all the Models (aliased names see .iex.exs for example)

iex> Repo.all(Doge)
  %Example.Doge{_version: 1, age: 26, id: "33", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:34:20.187264Z", name: "Moe Moe", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:34:20.187264Z"},
  %Example.Doge{_version: 1, age: 10, id: "AVdkWj0_-SwwFG-cHjcZ", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:36:58.044176Z", name: "Dora", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:36:58.044176Z"}

Insert a few Models

iex> Repo.insert(%Doge{name: "Daisy May", age: 18})
%Example.Doge{_version: 1, age: 18, id: "AVdkXSuf-SwwFG-cHjcd", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:40:10.140185Z", name: "Daisy May", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:40:10.140185Z"}

iex> Repo.insert(%Doge{id: 10, name: "Punky", age: 35})
%Example.Doge{_version: 1, age: 35, id: "10", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:50:21.290414Z", name: "Punky", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:50:21.290414Z"}

Go Bananas (Young Adult Doges only)

iex> Repo.search(Doge, [:query, :bool, :must, :range, :age, :gte, 18, :lt, 30])
  %Example.Doge{_version: nil, age: 26, id: "33", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:34:20.187264Z", name: "Moe Moe", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:34:20.187264Z"},
  %Example.Doge{_version: nil, age: 18, id: "AVdkXSuf-SwwFG-cHjcd", inserted_at: "2016-09-26T02:40:10.140185Z", name: "Daisy May", updated_at: "2016-09-26T02:40:10.140185Z"}


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add bus_car to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:bus_car, "~> 0.2.13"}]


  • Customizable Config
  • Bool Dsl
  • ConstantScore Dsl
  • Exists Dsl
  • Filter Dsl
  • Match Dsl
  • Query Dsl
  • MustNot Dsl
  • Must Dsl
  • Nested Dsl
  • Prefix Dsl
  • Query Dsl
  • Range Dsl
  • Should Dsl
  • Term Dsl
  • Document to DSL to Requests pipeline
  • Ecto-ish Interface
  • Make sure Repo uses :otp_app keyword arg
  • Request Tests
  • Api Tests
  • Repo Tests
  • Docs
  • Mappings Tests
  • Github Repo for Example Project and Advanced Examples
  • Optimistic "Locking" on update
  • Full Functional Tests
  • Geo Dsl
  • MoreLikeThis Query
  • Upsert
  • Hex.pm
  • DB Connection Pooling?
  • Extract BusCar DSL into its own Repo