
CIS 672 Final project: Memory hierarchy simulator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory hierarchy simulator


The project needs the latest version of nodejs to run (tested on v8.1.0), here are installation instructions for mac os and other platforms.


  • First, you must get the sources from github either by downloading the zip file or cloning the repository by running git clone https://github.com/elbunuelo/memory-hierarchy-simulator.git
  • After cloning the repository run cd memory-hierarchy-simulator and then npm install to install all of the dependencies.
  • Run one of the following commands to view the simulations:
    • npm run first: Simulates a fully associative cache with first in first out overwrite strategy, write through + no write allocate write strategies and single page memory.
    • npm run second: Simulates a fully associative cache with random overwrite strategy, write through + no write allocate write strategies and single page memory.
    • npm run third: Simulates a direct mapped cache with victim cache, write back + write allocate write strategies, single page memory and a victim cache.
    • npm run fourth: Simulates a 4 way set associative cache with write buffer, least recently used overwrite strategy, write through + no write allocate write strategy, two page virtual memory and a write buffer.

Creating new simulations

New simulations should be placed in the simulations folder with any name. The file contents should follow the same format as the existing simulations which can be used as reference. To execute custom simulations you can either run node index.js your-file-name(without the .js extension) or add an entry in the scripts object in the package.json:

scripts: {
"my-custom-simulation": "node index.js your-file-name"

and then run npm run my-custom-simulation