
A simple example AppEngine REST API implemented using the RESTlet framework. The app uses the Objectify API to persist data on AppEngine.


Replace the your-appengine-property-id-goes-here string in the application element of install-dir/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml with your Google AppEngine property id. While this is not necessary if you are only running locally, it is necessary if you plan to deploy on Google AppEngine.

Running Locally

To run the example on your local machine, enter this maven command:

mvn appengine:devserver

If successful, you can now point your favorite web browser / API fetcher at http://localhost:8080 to access the API.

Deploying to Google Cloud

To deploy the example to Google AppEngine, enter this maven command:

mvn appengine::update

If successful, you can now point your favorite web browser / API fetcher at to access the API. (replace your-appengine-property-id-goes-here with your Google AppEngine property id).