
Show how you can use RestApi to help apex to work with code limits

Primary LanguageApex


Show how you can use RestApi to help apex to work with code limits

Step 1 : First install or create the class within the repository

//Step 1 : create data if needed in a scratch org or a dedicated sandbox 
List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();
for(integer i=0;i<10;i++){
	cases.add(new Case (reason='test1'));
	cases.add(new Case (reason='test2'));
	cases.add(new Case (reason='test3'));
insert cases;

Step 2 : execute the below code and display only the debug log information. this use case show that everything work as expected


system.debug([select count() from case ]);
system.debug('we can see here that we just have consume 1 row , aggregation without group by work fine');

Expected results :

  • executing : [select count() from case ]
  • found records : 37
  • limits found : 1/50000
  • we can see here that we just have consume 1 row , aggregation without group by work fine

Step 3 : execute the below code and display only the debug log information.This use case show that using group by is consuming "too many rows" , it can become an issue while in production if there is too many records to process


Integer nbRecords = [select reason from case group by reason].size();
system.debug('nb records retrieved : '+nbRecords);
system.debug('we can see here that we just have consume '+Limits.getQueryRows()+' row but we are only retrieving '+nbRecords+' records, \naggregation with group count all process records through the group by');        

Expected results :

  • nb records retrieved : 8
  • 37/50000
  • we can see here that we just have consume 37 row but we are only retrieving 8 records,
  • aggregation with group count all process records through the group by

Step 4 : execute the following code and display only the debug log information.This use case show that using a rest operation to retrieve information is reducing the number of consumed rows


Integer nbRecords = RestApiUtil.execute('select reason from case group by reason',false).size();
system.debug('nb records retrieved : '+nbRecords);
system.debug('we can see here that we just have consume '+Limits.getQueryRows()+' row but we are retrieving '+nbRecords+' records, aggregation with group count all process records through the group by');

Expected results :

  • nb records retrieved : 6
  • 0/50000
  • we can see here that we just have consume 0 row but we are retrieving 6 records,
  • aggregation with group count all process records through the group by

Step 5 : WARNING. Callout operation should be done prior to any dml operation. The below code will NOT work


  • // DML Operation
  • insert (new Case (reason='test4'));
  • // CallOut operation after DML . Avoid this
  • Integer nbRecords = RestApiUtil.execute('select reason from case group by reason',false).size();
  • system.debug('nb records retrieved : '+nbRecords);

Expected results :

  • Class.RestApiUtil.execute: line 18, column 1
  • Class.RestSoqlExamples.CalloutAfterDMLNotWorking: line 47, column 1
  • AnonymousBlock: line 1, column 1

Step 6 : WARNING. Callout operation should be done prior to any dml operation. The below code will NOW work


// CallOut operation before DML . All is good
Integer nbRecords = RestApiUtil.execute('select reason from case group by reason',false).size();
system.debug('nb records retrieved : '+nbRecords);
// DML Operation
insert (new Case (reason='test5'));

Expected results :

  • nb records retrieved : 7

Step 7 : WARNING. Callout operation should be done prior to any dml operation. The below code will work but we are the transaction rollback in case of error


// DML Operation
RestApiUtil.restUpsert(new Case (reason='test6'));
//insert (new Case (reason='test4'));
// CallOut operation after DML . Avoid this
Integer nbRecords = RestApiUtil.execute('select reason from case group by reason',false).size();

Expected results :