
Flix movie app for android. Made with Java.

Primary LanguageJava


Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.

App Walkthough GIF


Flix Part 1

User Stories

  • User can view a list of movies (title, poster image, and overview) currently playing in theaters from the Movie Database API.


I got stuck loading the recyclerview dependencies in my gradle.build file. I ended up having to remove it manually.

Open-source libraries used

  • Android Async HTTP - Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing
  • Glide - Image loading and caching library for Androids

Flix Part 2

User Stories

  • Expose details of movie (ratings using RatingBar, popularity, and synopsis) in a separate activity.
  • Allow video posts to be played in full-screen using the YouTubePlayerView.


I had trouble installing youtube to the emulator, so I ran the app off my phone directly instead. I also missed a query to the api in my manifest.xml which was giving me an error when loading youtube.

Open-source libraries used

  • Android Async HTTP - Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing
  • Glide - Image loading and caching library for Android


  • Implement a shared element transition when user clicks into the details of a movie (1 point).

  • Trailers for popular movies are played automatically when the movie is selected (1 point).

    • When clicking on a popular movie (i.e. a movie voted for more than 5 stars) the video should be played immediately.
    • Less popular videos rely on the detailed page should show an image preview that can initiate playing a YouTube video.
  • Add a play icon overlay to popular movies to indicate that the movie can be played (1 point).

  • Apply data binding for views to help remove boilerplate code. (1 point)

  • Add a rounded corners for the images using the Glide transformations. (1 point)

  • [ ]

  • (2pts) Views should be responsive for both landscape/portrait mode.

    • (1pt) In portrait mode, the poster image, title, and movie overview is shown.
    • (1pt) In landscape mode, the rotated alternate layout should use the backdrop image instead and show the title and movie overview to the right of it.
  • (2pts) Display a nice default placeholder graphic for each image during loading

  • (2pts) Improved the user interface by experimenting with styling and coloring.

  • (2pts) For popular movies (i.e. a movie voted for more than 5 stars), the full backdrop image is displayed. Otherwise, a poster image, the movie title, and overview is listed. Use Heterogenous RecyclerViews and use different ViewHolder layout files for popular movies and less popular ones.