
single page app as frontend for brewery control built with Vue.js and Quasar

Primary LanguageVue

BrewBlox UI

UI representation of the BrewBlox project


  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


# install dependencies
$ npm install
$ docker-compose pull

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080/ui/
$ npm start

Additional dev commands

# Restart backend containers
$ npm run compose:new

# Build a production version of the software. This is served at localhost:9000
$ npm run devbuild

Architecture Concepts

BrewBlox mostly adheres to the Vue application structure, but defines a set of concepts within this framework.


The BrewBlox UI is centered around the concept of it being a dashboard that can be filled by whatever is relevant to the user. Dashboards are agnostic displays of widgets.


Each device or service supported by the BrewBlox UI is implemented as a provider. All interaction with those supported devices or services is encapsulated here.

Providers are modular, and placed in the plugins directory.

If you only want to add a single widget, you don't need to add a provider.


Services are instances of Providers. If you have two connected Sparks, you'll be using two separate services as created by the Spark provider.


Providers offer one or more features. Features provide the Vue components required to render and support dashboard items.

Dashboard Item

Comparable to how services are instances of providers, dashboard items are instances of features.

Widget, Wizard, Form

To implement specific functionality, features can offer various Vue components, inheriting from a generic base class.

  • To be displayed on a dashboard, a feature must have a widget.
  • To allow the user to create new dashboard items, a feature must have a wizard.
  • For more extensive configuration, features can provide a Form. These are rendered in modal windows.


Local application state is kept using VueX. Settings that are not session-specific (dashboards, dashboard items, services) are persisted to the BrewBlox datastore.

The full datastore state is loaded on startup, and all changes are persisted here.

How do I....

Support a new device (add a provider)

In order to support the gizmo device:

  • Create the src/plugins/gizmo directory.
  • In src/plugins/gizmo/index.ts, add an initializer:
import { providerStore } from '@/store/providers';

export default {
  install(Vue: VueConstructor, { store }) {
        id: 'Gizmo',
        displayName: 'Totally Awesome Gizmo Device',

        // IDs of separately created features
        features: [],

        // Called whenever a new service is created
        onAdd: async (service) => {},

        // Called whenever a service is removed
        onRemove: async (service) => {},

        // Called after a service is created
        onFetch: async (service) => {},

        // Globally registered Vue components
        wizard: 'GizmoWizard',
        page: 'GizmoPage',
  • Add your plugin to the list of local plugins in src/main.ts.
import gizmo from './plugins/gizmo'

const plugins: PluginObject<any>[] = [
  gizmo, // new

Add a separate store for my provider

Plugins can define and register their own store modules.

import Vue from 'vue';
import store from '@/store';
import { Module, VuexModule, Mutation, Action, getModule } from 'vuex-module-decorators';

@Module({ store, namespaced: true, dynamic: true, name: 'gizmos' })
export class GizmoModule extends VuexModule {
  public gizmos: Record<String, any> = {};
  public gadgets: any[] = [];

  public get awesome(): boolean {
    return true;

  public setGizmo(gizmo: Gizmo): void {
    // Using Vue.set ensures the new gizmo is picked up by reactive getters
    Vue.set(this.gizmos, gizmo.id, gizmo);

  public addGadget(gadget: Gadget): void {
    // Array.prototype.push is watched by Vue, and will be reactive

  // the commit will be automatically called with the return value
  @Action({ commit: 'addGadget' })
  public async createGadget() {
    return { name: 'new gadget' };

// Allows directly calling getters and functions in components
export default getModule(GizmoModule)