
Elixir TCP Server practice

Primary LanguageElixir

Elixir MUD

Use Ruby as DSL backend to generate story and handle TCP connection by Elixir


Use mix deps.get to install


Start server by mix run --no-halt

Connect to game by telnet localhost 6666

Write Story in Ruby

# stories/chapter1.rb

# Create a chapter
chapter 1 do
  # Create an action
  action do # Index: 0
    say "Hi, Welcome to Elixir.MUD" # Print message
    say "Do you want to continue?(Y/n)"
    jump 1 # Jump to Index: 1
    wait_input # Display "> " to user

  action do # Index: 1
    say "Cool, you learned how to create a MUD"
    close # Close connection to end the game