Middleman Webpacked


Add this line to your Gemfile

gem 'middleman-webpacked', '~> 0.1.0'

Setup your Webpack

middleman webpack

To enable React.js, add --react options when setup Webpack To enable Vue.js, add --vue options when setup Webpack

Add javascript_pack_tag to your layout

<%= javascript_pack_tag 'bundle' %>

Activate the extension in config.rb

activate :webpack

Put the javascript into src directory

This version only support Webpack 4 default config



If you want to output more than one file (bundle.js) you can specify the entry options.

activate :webpack,
         entry: {
           app: 'index.js',
           ext: 'ext.js'


  • Running Webpack without config
  • Automatic setup webpack.config.js
  • Babel Support
  • React.js Support
    • Can be enabled
    • Support to generate css file
  • Vue.js Support
    • Can be enabled
    • Support template and .vue file
    • Support to generate css file
  • Sass Support