
A real-time notification system developed using Golang, Kafka, and the Gin framework. Containerized using Docker for easy deployment.

Primary LanguageGo

Kafka Real-Time Notification API

This project demonstrates a real-time notification system implemented in Golang, utilizing Apache Kafka for message processing. The Kafka server is set up using Docker containers for easy deployment.

1. Prerequisites

Before running this project, make sure you have the following installed:

2. Starting Kafka Server

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.

  2. Start the Kafka server using the provided Docker Compose configuration:

docker-compose up -d


Start your local Kafka server

3. Running the Golang Application

  • Run cmd/consumer/consumer.go - Starts Consumer Server
  • Run cmd/producer/producer.go - Starts Producer Server

4. Sending and Receiving Notifications

  • 8080: Producer Port
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/send -d "fromID=2&toID=1&message=your message"
  • Response:
{"message":"Notification sent successfully!"}
  • 8081: Consumer Port


        "from": {"id":3,"name":"Eldar"},
        "to": {"id":4,"name":"Farid"},
        "message": "necesen bratan"

5. Project Structure

  • cmd/
    • consumer/
      • consumer.go
    • producer/
      • producer.go
  • pkg/
    • models/
      • models.go
  • docker-compose.yml
  • README.md